Walls of Mayors, Managing Directors Unveiled
A project to honor Maui County’s Mayors and Managing Directors was unveiled Thursday afternoon featuring a Wall of Mayors and a Wall of Managing Directors on the 9th Floor of the County Building in Wailuku.
The ceremony was attended by Mayor Arakawa, former mayor Kimo Apana, and former managing directors Howard Nakamura, Anne Takabuki, Grant Chun and Jack Kulp. The family of the late Elmer Cravalho and Claro Capili were also in attendance.
The photo display begins with Elmer Cravalho, who served as the first mayor of Maui County from 1969 to 1979, and ends with Mayor-elect Michael P. Victorino, who will be sworn in on Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019. The Wall of Managing Directors begins with the second in command from the Cravalho administration.
Mayor Alan Arakawa said the inspiration for the walls came from the County Clerk’s historic display of photographs of government officials and facilities and artifacts used over the years.
Both walls are open to public viewing during business hours in the 9th floor lobby of the Kalana O Maui building.

Walls of Mayors, Managing Directors Unveiled. Photos: County of Maui/Ryan Piros.

Walls of Mayors, Managing Directors Unveiled. Photos: County of Maui/Ryan Piros.

Walls of Mayors, Managing Directors Unveiled. Photos: County of Maui/Ryan Piros.