Summer Safety with Andy Bumatai at the Maui Mall
By Maui Now Staff
The 2nd Annual Summer Safety Fair hosted by the Maui Memorial Medical Center takes place this Saturday, July 20, from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Maui Mall in Kahului.
The event showcases various hospital departments and services as well as outside organizations, hands-on activities, demonstrations and educational exhibits.
Stage entertainment includes Hawaiʻi funny man Andy Bumatai, Australia’s John Stephan as featured in Maui Theatre’s new show “You Got It! a Salute to Roy Orbison,” 2013 Nā Hōkū Hanohano Award winner Ikaika Blackburn, and the taiko drummers of Zenshin Daiko.
Exhibit & activity highlights include the following:
- Intro to CPR: Free demonstration and introductory classes on first come, first serve basis at 10:30 a.m. and 11:30 a.m.
- Impaired Driving Simulation Course: “Drivers” abilities are tested with vision-impairing goggles to simulate reduced functionality after varied number of alcoholic beverages.
- Keiki bike helmet fitting and safety information: The first 75 children will receive a free helmet.
Keiki IDs with the Maui Department of Fire and Public Safety.
Other topics covered will include smoke cessation, suicide prevention, domestic violence prevention, nutrition tips, stroke education, cord banking and mālama puʻuwai.
The Maui Memorial Medical Center is Maui’s only full-service, acute medical care facility, offering 213 acute care beds, and employer of 1,400 individuals.
The hospital claims the facility is the only hospital outside of Oʻahu providing comprehensive cardiac services, including open-heart surgery and angioplasty.