County Offers Free Marketing & Leadership Workshop for Volunteers
By Maui Now Staff
The County of Maui is holding a free workshop called “Marketing and Networking for Success on Maui” for volunteer leaders, managers, HandsOn Maui partners and Hawaiʻi Network of Volunteer Leaders members. The session will be held on Thursday, April 30, from 8:30 a.m. until noon at the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary in Kīhei.
The workshop will be led by Patricia Varley, an international speaker, coach, leader and veteran teacher of the course. The event will teach participants to apply practical networking and leadership tools to maximize their organization’s potential.
Specific topics
will include:
- Leading teams efficiently;
- Drafting and presenting effective elevator pitches;
- Expanding networking contacts in Maui County;
- Exercising leadership with confidence, professionalism and enthusiasm to inspire others;
- Clarifying, integrating, and manifesting an organization’s vision, purpose and mission;
- Establishing new cooperative team, client, and colleague relationships.
To attend, participants must be a volunteer leader of an organized program in Maui County. Space is limited and the deadline to register is Tuesday, April 24. Register online, or call the Maui County Volunteer Center at 270-7150 for more information.
“Developing a personalized marketing and networking strategy is invaluable to the success of a nonprofit organization and its leaders,” said Volunteer Center Coordinator Wendy Stebbins. “It all starts with identifying your strengths and how you can answer the big question asked by potential volunteers and clients: ‘What’s in it for me?’ This workshop offers participants an array of new tools for their tool kits in working with both volunteers and clients.”
The workshop is being sponsored by the Maui County Department of Housing and Human concerns Volunteer Center.