Speaker Souki: ‘It is a Sad Day Indeed’
Joe Souki, speaker of the Hawai‘i House of Representatives (Kahakuloa, Waihe‘e, Waiehu, Pu‘uohala, Wailuku, Waikapū), commented on yesterday’s announcement that A&B is transitioning out of farming sugar and will instead pursue a diversified agricultural model for its 36,000-acre Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company plantation on Maui.
“Alexander & Baldwin’s announcement that it will phase out sugar operations at Hawaiian Commercial & Sugar Company’s plantation marks the end of era on Maui,” said Souki. “So many of us have grown up in the shadows of sugar operations on Maui—with our grandparents and great grandparents having worked the fields to provide for their families. It is a sad day indeed.
“However,” Speaker Souki continued, “we will work closely with A&B, the governor, the ILWU, and federal, state and county agencies to ensure that the transition for the workers and families involved is as smooth as humanly possible.”
A&B/HC&S to Transition Out of Sugar Production