55 New Pedestrian Wayfinding Signs in Wailuku Town

Wailuku Town has been the subject of intense planning efforts and many public dollars have been spent. Maui Now file photo.
Fifty-five new wayfinding signs promote health by encouraging walking and exploration of Wailuku Town’s hidden and well‐known treasures.
The Wailuku Community Association in collaboration with the Hawai‘i Public Health Institute and the Maui Redevelopment Agency announced the addition of new pedestrian wayfinding signage to be installed throughout the heart of Wailuku Town.
The wayfinding signage is designed to help visitors and residents walk their town to find arts, cultural, and historical destinations throughout Wailuku. There are 55 signs in total that will be installed giving directional information on locations as well as approximate walking times to each site.

Historic Wailuku Town sign already in place at the corner of Mokuhau Road and the Kahekili Highway. Photo by Wendy Osher.
Project coordinators say Wailuku is home to many hidden and well‐known treasures that are all very accessible by walking. Some of the areas featured in the wayfinding signage are parks, gyms, shopping and eating destinations, theaters and museums.
A kick‐off event for the installation of the signs takes place this Friday, Sept. 23, 2016.
The wayfinding signage is partially funded by Hawaiʻi Public Health Institute through the Hawai`i State Department of Health, under a cooperative agreement with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.