Summer Splash Days, Full Moon Bash Among July Events at Maui Mall
Maui Mall has released its calendar of events for July 2017.
Summer Splash Days will continue at Paradise Fountains Monday through Friday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
For the month of July, Maui Mall has partnered with GRANDcares, a community program for grandparents raising their grandchildren in Maui County.
The program focuses on strengthening self-care for grandparent caregivers, developing communication and leadership skills in grandchildren and increasing the ability of service providers to meet the needs of grandfamilies. The GRANDcares booth will be in Regal Cinemas every Tuesday in July from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m., participants can enter for a chance to win free movie tickets for the remaining Summer Movie Express weeks.
On Thursday, July 6, from 7 to 8 p.m., Maui Mall will host another Full Moon Fire Bash at Center Stage. Once again, Maui Mall has partnered with Maui Food Bank and Cupcake Ladies Catering Co. will be selling mini-cupcakes for $1 to benefit the Maui Food Bank. There will be performances by Tahitian dancers, fire knife dancers and Polynesian drummers, including a photo opportunity with the performers after the show.
Free Hula Show at Center Stage every Sunday at 11 a.m.:
July 2 – Hula by Halau Hula O Keola Ali`iokekai
July 9 – Hula by Hui! Lanakila
July 16 – Hula by Ha’a Heo O Maui
July 23 – Polynesian Dance by Te Tiare
July 30 – Hula by Hui! Lanakila
Recurring Events:
Every Tuesday and Wednesday at 10 a.m., Summer Movie Express at Regal Cinemas, $1 admission to family-friendly movies
Every Sunday at 9 a.m., free Zumba by Keoni’s Hot Lava DanceFit Studio
Every Sunday 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Whole Foods Arts & Craft Fair