Proposed Expansion of Kula Ag Park Discussion Planned
The Mayor’s Office of Economic Development will host an informational meeting on a proposed expansion of the Kula Agricultural Park on Wednesday, July 26, 2017 from 4 to 5:30 p.m. at the Kula Community Center.
The County of Maui recently received a $5 million appropriation from the State of Hawaiʻi, with a $1 million match from the County of Maui, to expand the Kula Ag Park onto former HC&S sugar land.
The meeting is open to all types of farmers: conventional, biotech, organic, hydroponic, greenhouse and livestock operations. Both professional farmers and new farmers are welcome to attend.
A poll will be conducted with each attendee to determine the expectations for lot size, farming method, crop type, and water usage that potential farmers would be proposing.
For more information, contact OED Agricultural Specialist Kenneth Yamamura at (808) 270-7808 or via email at