Mayor Seeks Removal of Water Director, Dave Taylor
Maui Director of Water Supply Dave Taylor has been placed on paid administrative leave while Mayor Alan Arakawa seeks his removal as head of the department, Maui Now has confirmed.

Pictured: Dave Taylor. Maui Now image.
In a telephone interview with Taylor this afternoon, he told Maui Now, “The mayor and I have some disagreements on how to manage the department.”
He continued saying, “I am not being accused of any wrongdoing. Anyone hoping to see mudslinging or dirty laundry is going to be extremely disappointed.”
In a letter dated Wednesday, Nov. 15, 2017, to Council Chair Mike White and members of the Maui County Council, Mayor Arakawa requests review and approval of a resolution seeking the removal of Taylor from his post. It did not specify the reason for the request.
Maui Now requested comment from the Mayor, but County Communications Director Rod Antone said that he is not providing any comment at this time.
Mayor Arakawa did appear before the Board of Water Supply during their meeting the following day on Thursday, Nov. 16, 2017, where he discussed concerns over planning and growth.
“We’re going to have to plan because 50 years from now, you can’t start the planning when you don’t have the capacities,” Mayor Arakawa said during the meeting. “As we’re running out of water, we’re going to have to reuse, we’re going to have to reclaim the water (and) treat the water,” he said.
Mayor Arakawa expressed a need to “plan correctly” for generations to come, for when Maui’s population is “double” and “triple the size” of what it is today. He also expressed a desire to have further discussions with the board saying, “I want you to be much more involved in the decision making–that’s why I pretty much put most of your names down, if not all of your names down, to be on this board.”
Since the Council must post agenda’s at least six days in advance of a meeting pursuant to the sunshine law, this missed today’s Council meeting, but will likely be scheduled for the Friday, Dec. 1 Council meeting, according to Troy Hashimoto with the Office of Council Chair White.
“The council at that time can either file the matter, act on the matter by adopting the resolution, or refer it to the appropriate standing committee for further consideration,” said Hashimoto.
The committee that has jurisdiction over appointments of executive branch officials is the Policy, Economic Development, and Agriculture Committee chaired by Councilmember Yuki Lei Sugimura.