Rehabilitation of Kalahaku Overlook Focus of Dec. 7 Meeting
The National Park Service will host a public meeting about proposed plans to rehabilitate the Kalahaku Overlook at an upcoming meeting slated for 5 to 6:30 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 7, 2017, the Pukalani Community Center pool meeting room.
The proposed plans for Kalahaku are aimed at improving visitor safety and enjoyment; protecting natural and cultural resources; and would require development of an Environmental Assessment.
Kalahaku Overlook receives up to several hundred visitors daily and is one of four overlooks used for sunrise viewing. It is located at 9324 feet of elevation, which is approximately two miles below the 10,023 ft. summit of Haleakalā.
The EA will explore a range of alternatives to identify potential issues and impacts to visitor safety and experience and park resources and values. The EA will also evaluate measures to mitigate these impacts.
Park staff will provide information about the proposed project, answer questions and accept comments during Thursday’s meeting.
In addition to this public meeting, comments can be made online at the NPS Planning, Environmental, and Public Comment website.
Comments can be also submitted by mail (to Haleakalā NP, Kalahaku Overlook Area Management EA, Attention: Linette King, P.O. Box 369, Makawao, HI, 96768); or by email to with the subject line “Kalahaku Overlook Area Management.”
Comments will not be accepted by FAX or in any manner other than those specified above. Bulk comments in any format (hard copy or electronic) submitted on behalf of others will not be accepted.
Before including a personal address, phone number, email address, or other personal identifying information, anyone providing written comment should be aware their entire comment – including their personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time.
While anyone wishing to comment may ask the National Park Service in their comment to withhold their personal identifying information from public review, the National Park Service cannot guarantee it will be able to do so.