Nāpili Storm Drain Stenciling in Celebration of Earth Day

Maui Now graphic.
In celebration of Earth Day, a community storm drain stenciling event will be held in Nāpili on Saturday, April 14, beginning at 9 am at Nāpili Plaza. Training and materials will be provided by organizers.
This event follows a successful stenciling outing in Honokōwai in early March, when a team of 10 people were able to mark nearly 50 drains along Lower Honoapiʻilani Highway.
The county of Maui storm drain stencil’s read: “Don’t Dump/Drains To Ocean,” and feature an image of Hawaiʻi’s state fish, the humuhumunukunukuāpuaʻa (reef triggerfish).
Project organizers say storm drain stenciling messages help people be mindful of how their actions on land can affect stream and ocean health. When it rains, storm water runoff can carry plastic and other litter, motor oil, soaps and detergents, bacteria, excess fertilizers and pesticides, green waste and sediment to storm drains. Most storm drains flow to our streams and oceans, untreated.
Participants should meet at 9 a.m. in the Nāpili Plaza parking lot (5095 Nāpilihau St, Lahaina, HI 96761). Volunteers should bring a water bottle and sun protection; other necessary materials will be provided in addition to refreshments. Volunteers should be age 12 and up and all youth must be accompanied by an adult.
To sign up or ask any questions about the event, contact Liz Foote at (808) 283-1631 or WestMauiKumuwai@gmail.com.
This effort is supported by the County of Maui Department of Public Works, the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the US Fish and Wildlife Service, the Hawai’i Department of Land and Natural Resources – Division of Aquatic Resources, and the Maui Ocean Center.