Kahakuloa Bridge Replacement to Close Crossing For 10 Days

Kahakuloa, file photo by Wendy Osher.
Work to replace Kahakuloa Bridge along the Kahekilli Highway will separate the Wailuku and Kapalua sides of Kahakuloa Village for 10 days, during which time no motor vehicles will be able drive across. The closure will begin on Wednesday, July 18 and last through July 27, 2018.
The work will involve the Department of Public Works replacing the bridge near milepost 14.4 and installing a new prefabricated steel truss bridge as well as other road work.

Kahakuloa Village. File photo by Wendy Osher.
During this time there will be two signs indicating turnaround locations prior to the bridge work on both sides: one at Elephant Head near Karen Lei’s art gallery at milepost 13.8 on the Wailuku side; and another at Braddah Chics near milepost 14.7 on the Kapalua side.
Motorists will still be able to access either side of Kahakuloa Village, but will not be able to cross the bridge until the replacement work is complete.