Upcountry Community Meeting, Nov. 14
The Kula Community Association hosts a community meeting in the Kula Community Center from 7 to 9 p.m. tonight, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018.
A number of topics will be addressed including a proposed upcountry solar farm, the appointment of new officers and board members, traffic concerns and solutions, Kula elementary’s new agricultural program and initiatives to protect historical and cultural sites.
Preceding the meeting, refreshments will be served at 6:30 p.m. with the opportunity to view displays of the proposed upcountry solar farm.
The meeting itself will begin with the election of Kula Community Association 2019 officers and board members.
Julia Mancinelli representing Innergex will describe a large solar farm proposed for the lands between Kula and Wailea. This project seeks community input for items that should be reviewed in an environmental analysis.
Public Works Director David Goode will give an update on potential solutions to various existing traffic concerns.
Lauren Armstrong, Director of the Maui Planning Organization will outline preparations for Maui’s long-range transportation plan.
Kula Elementary School Principal Chris Bachaus will describe the school’s new farm operation in Kēōkea, a program to get young children involved in agriculture.
Maui Planner Annalise Kehler will explain steps to manage and protect our historical and cultural sites.
For more information, call (808) 283-4376.