Cans for Clues Collection at Mystery Maui Escape Room
To help celebrate the spirit of the holiday season, Mystery Maui Escape Room encourages its players to participate in Cans for Clues, a food collection program where extra games clues are given per can or food item brought in. Players may use the clues to help them solve the mystery in the escape room and at the same time, help fight hunger for those in need.
Mystery Maui has partnered with Hui Haumana, a club at the University of Hawaiʻi Maui College dedicated to feed those who are working hard to earn a college education, but are struggling because of lack of food. All donations collected will be turned over to the club, which is also in partnership with the Maui Food Bank, to honor their mission.
“We thought this was the perfect way to give back because learning is really difficult with an empty stomach,” said Kit Furukawa, owner of Mystery Maui. “Playing an escape room game for only an hour requires brain power, while there’s a large number of students on Maui who are hungry but are determined to get a degree.
“Similar to how players succeed in solving challenges in our rooms, Cans for Clues will help these students to succeed in solving life challenges, too.”
To participate, customers are invited to bring non-perishable food donations to Mystery Maui Escape Room to exchange them for clues before the game. For those that are not playing, but want to support, donation are being accepted during pau hana hours of operation at 81 N. Market Street Ste. 200 in Wailuku. Mystery Maui’s entrance is facing the municipal parking lot.