Jurors Announced for Hui No’eau 2019 Annual Juried Exhibition
Hui Noʻeau Visual Arts Center announces Professor Jennifer Owen and painter Ed Lane as the jurors for its 2019 Annual Juried Exhibition.
Hui Noʻeau’s Annual Juried Exhibition provides the community with an opportunity to view current work of local artists in all media. The two jurors will evaluate submissions in preparation for the exhibition.
Prof. Jennifer Owen recently retired as Associate Professor of art at University of Hawaiʻi Maui College, where she taught ceramics, sculpture, visual arts, and art history for 21 years. She earned an MFA in ceramics from the University of Oregon and a BA in Art History from Princeton University. She was head of the ceramics department at Hui Noʻeau Visual Arts Center for 23 years until 2006. Three of her ceramic sculptures are in the collection of the Hawai‘i State Foundation on Culture and the Arts, and her work has been juried into shows nationally and internationally.
Ed Lane graduated with a major in history and minor in fine art from the University of Missouri. He served two years as an officer in the Air Force before beginning his advertising career. He excelled in the creative aspects of advertising as a writer and art director. Ed spends his days either in his Wailea studio or doing plein air paintings in Maui and the other Hawaiian Islands. Ed’s paintings are in private and corporate collections in Maui, Honolulu, California, Arizona, New York, Washington, Illinois, England, Japan, Spain, France and Hungary.
With no theme, this exhibition challenges artists to submit their best work created within the past two years. Renowned guest jurors from Maui, Hawaiʻi and beyond offer a different perspective for a unique show every year.
Ceramics, printmaking, sculpture, photography, painting, drawing, jewelry, digital media, fiber, wood, mixed media and all other creative explorations are welcome.
Receiving Day is on Wednesday, Jan. 2, 2019 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Hui No’eau Visual Arts Center.
The prospectus and entry forms are available online at huinoeau.com/exhibitions.
The exhibition is free and open daily from Jan. 11 to Feb. 15, 2019 from 9 a.m. 4 p.m.