Kīhei Charter School Expands, Registration Begins in March

James Vietz teaches a high school class in technology at the Kīhei Charter School where students are taught using custom-designed educational programs and innovative learning environments. School administrators say they are proud of the school’s innovative 21st Century tuition free public education.
Kīhei Charter School’s upcoming schedule of open house registration information meetings and registration dates for the coming school term are now available.
John Colson, Chief Operating Officer of the Kīhei Charter School, made the announcement for the school term, which runs from Aug, 5, 2019 to May 29, 2020.
Open House Information Sessions will be held on the newly- constructed Kīhei Charter School campus at 650 Līpoa Parkway, Kīhei, in the Maui Research and Technology Park, above Piʻilani Highway. All Open House sessions begin at 5 p.m. Open House information dates are: March 6, March 14, March 19, and March 27. Sessions are open to the public and consist of a tour of the new three-story campus and an explanation of the school’s unique programs, including Project Based Learning.
Applications to apply for enrollment in the Kīhei Charter School will be available beginning March 6 at any of the information sessions or by going online to the Kiheicharter.org website. Completed applications must be turned in to the 650 Līpoa Parkway office or be mailed to the Kīhei Charter School at P.O. Box 1098 Kīhei, HI 96753 with a postmark by March 31. No e-mail or fax applications are accepted.
Applications that are completed will be entered into the school registration lottery. The lottery method for selecting new students is required for all Hawaiʻi charter schools to ensure fairness for all applicants. Additionally, the demand for entrance usually exceeds the school’s learning capacity. The first lottery selection will be held on April 5 with a second lottery on May 6. Both lotteries will be conducted at 5:30 p.m. in the school offices at Līpoa Parkway. They are open to the public.
Colson explained that the information program would also talk about the opportunity for expanded enrollment with the new campus going from 635 students currently to 670-675 in the next school year. The new campus serves as the home of all grades K-12 and the school will look to expand the sports program and continue to refine the middle and high school curriculum. The school does not provide transportation.
For more information go to kiheicharter.org or call the school’s main office at (808) 875-0700, 7:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.