A survey focused on affordable housing solutions in Maui County is being conducted by SMS Research, a consulting company.
The Hawaiʻi Housing Planning Study is conducted every few years by the Hawaiʻi Housing and Finance Development Corp. in coordination with the County of Maui Department of Housing and Human Concerns.
Survey results will be used to evaluate current housing programs and conditions and project future demand. The study goals include gathering and analyzing data on demographic and economic characteristics of Hawaiʻi households; the supply of housing in the short run (two to five years) and the long run (five to 20 years); and breaking down data by specific geographic areas, income groups and Native Hawaiian status.
The effort will compile a statewide and county housing inventory, including government-assisted units and military housing.
Residents may be contacted by phone, and caller IDs should indicate that the caller is from SMS Research.
Department of Housing and Human Concerns Director Lori Tsuhako said, “We would appreciate the cooperation of Maui County residents with this survey. The data gathered is a valuable tool as we work toward Mayor Michael Victorino’s goal of developing more attainable housing.”
Other study participants include the state Department of Hawaiian Homelands; the Hawaiʻi Public Housing Authority; the Homeless Programs Office of the Department of Human Services; Office of Hawaiian Affairs; Department of Community Services, City and County of Honolulu; Office of Housing and Community Development; County of Hawaiʻi, and the Kauaʻi County Housing Agency.