Public Invited to Last Open House for Baldwin Beach Park Masterplan
The public is invited to view the final concept for the Baldwin Beach Park master plan on Aug. 22 from 4:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Pāʻia Community Center.
Residents may drop in at any time during the open house and express their thoughts to DPR staff and the consultant team. This is the third and last open house for the parkʻs first ever master plan.
At 56 acres, Baldwin Beach Park is one of the largest beach parks in Maui County.
According to the Department of Parks and Recreation, the park is also one of three major parks along Mauiʻs north shore that attracts high use and includes a considerable amount of undeveloped land that can be designated for recreational purposes.
The master plan aims to address the parkʻs activities and facilities, sea-level rise, parking, and the overall management of park use. A twelve-member advisory committee of Maui residents is helping to prepare the plan.
“There’s still more work to be done but we’ve taken the first step,” DPR Director Karla Peters said.
“I want to also acknowledge the work of the advisory committee because their ideas and experience were so helpful in getting us to this point.”
The consultant team is headed by DTL, LLC and sub-consultants PBR Hawaiʻi, Sea Engineering, Aina Archeology, and J. Uno & Associates.
For more information, contact David Yamashita at (808) 270-6508 or