West Maui Group to Host Pre-Pandemic Planning Workshop
In light of mounting concerns over the spread of the coronavirus, the West Maui Taxpayers Association will be hosting a community meeting to discuss pre-pandemic planning and preparations.
“It’s already a serious risk to live in West Maui over an hour away from access to an Emergency Room for life saving acute care,” a press release from the group read.
“It’s obvious that this new threat illustrates things are worse when pandemic healthcare threats present themselves.”
Dr. Dennis Terpin, an expert in emergency planning, will be the eventʻs keynote speaker.
The meeting will be held on April 6 at the West Maui Kanoa Senior Center at 5 p.m.
Dr. Terpin will also host a Business Continuity Planning workshop on April 7 from 8 a.m. to noon on April 7.
For more information, contact WMTA President Joseph D Pluta at (808) 661-7990 or at wmta@maui.net.