Maui Mediation Services Announces Scheduling Changes Caused by COVID-19 Response
Maui Mediation Services on Friday announced scheduling changes as a result of impacts caused by response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
“We’re facing many challenges as a community trying to keep the Covid-19 virus from spreading throughout our state, as well as trying to keep ourselves and our loved ones safe. The health and safety of our mediators, participants, and staff are always a top priority for Maui Mediation Services,” said Bevanne J. Bowers, Esq., Executive Director of Maui Mediation Services.
With that in mind, the following changes were announced:
- Effective immediately, all mediations currently scheduled to take place will be rescheduled sometime after April 15, 2020 at the earliest.
- No court mediations will take place until the Hawaii State Judiciary resumes hearing non-emergency cases which is not expected to happen until after April 30, 2020.
- Domestic mediation participants will be asked to email or fax their proposed parenting plans to the office. A container has been created where plans can be dropped off from the outside. However, effective immediately there will be no unscheduled visitors allowed in the office.
- All mediators and any participants are asked to observe proper hygiene while in our offices – keeping hands washed, sneezing into your elbow or Kleenex, and not coming in if you suspect you have been exposed to any viruses or simply aren’t feeling well.
“In the coming weeks our staff will be working remotely, however, all calls will be returned in a timely manner. This is uncharted territory for all of us and we appreciate your patience as we work to keep our services available while not placing anyone at risk,” said Bowers.