Hui No Ke Ola Pono to Host Haunted Drive-Through and Health Fair at UHMC
Hui No Ke Ola Pono will host Holoholo Heleuī, a free and fun “spooktacular” community health event at the University of Hawaiʻi Maui College on Saturday, Oct. 23 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m.
“Holoholo Heleuī is a chance for our ʻohana and the community to come together to celebrate Halloween,” said Eric Kapono, Interim Executive Director for Hui No Ke Ola Pono, a Native Hawaiian Healthcare organization. “The pandemic forced us to get creative to mark the holiday in a safe and fun manner. Since Halloween was canceled last year, we are so excited to offer this event to the Maui community.”
There will be a unique and interactive trunk-or-treat drive-by Halloween experience that follows the spooky tale of Kapena — a sailing captain who loses gems and seeks revenge.
Participants will have a chance to travel back in time through a Haunted Shipyard and complete three missions to lift the curse set by Kapena and his crew.
Keiki can also show off their cute, creepy, and creative Halloween costumes in a virtual costume contest. Photos can be submitted online here. The deadline to submit photos is Friday, Oct. 22 at 5 p.m. Winners will be notified no later than Halloween, Sunday, Oct. 31.
In addition to family-friendly events, Hui No Ke Ola Pono is making health care conveniently available. Families who would like their flu shot or COVID-19 vaccine are welcome to receive their immunizations. COVID-19 vaccines are only available for people ages 12 and up with a valid ID. If available, recipients should bring their insurance card with them.
Free dental cleanings and screenings will also be available for keiki. No insurance necessary. Families are asked to register their keiki for dental care prior to the event. Register here.
“We are proud to offer free dental care and immunizations to families,” said Kapono. “We believe that we need to mālama kekahi i kekahi, and this event is one way we can achieve that, so our community is healthy and happy for years to come.”
Those participating in this free, family-friendly event are asked to enter off Wahinepio Avenue through the back parking lot of the UH Maui College campus.
Hui No Ke Ola Pono is a private, not-for-profit community-based health enhancement, disease prevention and health care center. They provide programs on nutrition, health management and health care referrals for the community of Maui in a culturally caring manner. The staff of HNKOP works within a standard of conduct which reflects Hawaiian values. Learn more at HNKOP.