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Kula Community Association Hosts Upcountry VIRTUAL Meeting, Oct. 20

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Kula Country Farms. PC: Maui County Farm Bureau.

The Kula Community Association welcomes all residents to its virtual community meeting from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 20, 2021. 

The meeting will include discussion on water, axis deer, commercial bike tours, the county budget, and Maui Fire Department plans. The KCA is also looking for input from the community on suggested proposals for the County of Maui budget.

You may view the virtual meeting live on AKAKU Channel 54, or by registering on ZOOM. Receive a web-link log-in by clicking the following link: Register for Zoom. The meeting is also viewable online at the Akakū Facebook page.


Audience questions can be sent to the Zoom Chat site. The moderators will be KCA Board Member Dick Mayer and Council Member Yuki Lei Sugimura.

Topics to be covered include the following:

  • Axis deer are impacting gardens and crops and causing traffic concerns. Various groups are trying to formulate a plan to reduce this problem. Learn about plans from Council member Yuki Lei Sugimura and Maui County Farm Bureau Board President Dr. Kyle Caires, PhD.
  • Downhill bicycle tours have been a nuisance and safety concern for upcountry residents for several decades. There’s a feeling that new regulatory legislation will be needed to make this activity safer. KCA has put together a draft County ordinance and would like to get feedback from residents on language that should be added or changed in the draft ordinance. This draft legislation may be reviewed here: An alternative proposal might be a total prohibition on commercial bicycle tours because they seriously endanger traffic safety,” according to the KCA.
  • Water has generally received more interest than any other upcountry issue. Department of Water Supply Director Jeff Pearson will describe the present situation. He will discuss the future water situation, matching existing and potential water supplies with the large and growing demand for water for both residences and farmers. “Will we always be short of water? Where should we be making changes?” These are some of the questions he will address.
  • Maui Fire Department – Our new Fire Chief Bradford Ventura will outline his general plans for the department.
  • County Budget If residents have upcountry items that should go into the 2022-23 budget, they are asked to send them to and/ or by Nov 1. The KCA Board will review these recommendations and prepare a priority list to be submitted to the Mayor and County Council.

For more information: visit or call 808-283-4376


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