Senior volunteers 55 years and older sought for sports, conservation, food delivery
Kaunoa Senior Services’ Retired & Senior Volunteer Program is seeking volunteers 55 years of age and older for a variety of programs including sports, conservation, and keiki food box deliveries.
Volunteer opportunities include:
The 2022 Maui Senior Softball League needs scorekeepers, scoreboard operators and announcers. Training will be provided. The league opens Sunday, March 13. Games are scheduled every Sunday through June 26 at the War Memorial Little League fields. Volunteers must follow current COVID-19 protocols.
The Marine Mammal Center Maui helps save endangered Hawaiian monk seals by searching for, identifying and assessing individual seals. Volunteers engage with the public and provide information about the center’s conservation work. They also support monk seal monitoring and rescue efforts.
KauKau 4 Keiki delivers free food boxes to keiki on Maui, Molokai and Lanai from March 11 to March 15. It is welcoming volunteers to help with inventory control, loading, traffic control and deliveries. Volunteers must be physically able to lift 40 pounds, have a reliable vehicle and complete a background check. Teams of volunteers are welcome.
For more information, contact RSVP at 808-270-7986 or 808-270-7323 before March 18. RSVP is a program of AmeriCorps Seniors.
Kaunoa Senior Services is a division of Maui County’s Department of Housing and Human Concerns.