Wahikuli Wayside Park north entrance to close Monday, April 17
The north entrance to Wahikuli Wayside Park in West Maui will be closed Monday, April 17, 2023, due to a main waterline break.
Also, a north portion of the beach park will be closed April 17 due to repairs that need to be made on the main waterline. Although the north parking lot and a northern part of the beach park will be closed, the public may still access Wahikuli Wayside Park from the middle entrance via walking path.
The County of Maui Parks department made the announcement and thanked the public in advance for their patience and understanding during the repairs.
For more information, contact Sean Gordon, West District supervisor, at (808) 270-4315 or sean.gordon@co.maui.hi.us.
For general Maui County Parks information, visit www.mauicounty.gov/parks.