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Maui youth seek climate justice in ‘Wednesday Walk for Our World’ event and presentations before the County Council

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The Maui Mayor’s Office of Innovation & Sustainability is partnering with ʻĪao Intermediate School to continue climate justice education and youth participation in public policy.  More than 150 students will march to Kalana O Maui this morning to share their research in the Maui County Council Chambers regarding sustainability, resilience and human rights. 

The student-led “Wednesday Walk for Our World” encourages global leaders to take a stand at the United Nations Summit of the Future.  The walk begins at 8:45 a.m. at ʻĪao Intermediate School and ends at Kalana O Maui with the start of the Youth Summit focusing on the Voluntary Local Review and Locally Determined Contribution based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals Projects. 

ʻĪao Intermediate School students prepare for the “Wednesday Walk for Our World” event. PC: 5.22.24 courtesy

Student Voices for Sustainable Development will feature youth from ʻĪao Intermediate School discussing the 17 global goals regarding Maui Nui. There will be 18 presentations by groups of students from 9:15 a.m. to 11 a.m. in the County Council Chambers. Students will cover topics including: no poverty, zero hunger, good heath and well-being, quality education, gender equity, clean water, renewable energy, decent work and economic growth, innovation and infrastructure, equality, responsible consumption and production, sustainable communities, climate action, life on land, life below water, peace and justice, and partnerships. 


The Student Voices for Sustainable Development will be added to the Priority Climate Action Resilience & Implementation Plan guaranteeing youth inclusion in public policy. The Office of Innovation & Sustainability will provide feedback to the 150 plus students after their group presentations. The main conclusions will be shared prior to the UN Summit of the Future in September at the UN General Assembly. 

There will be a follow-up climate action of planting native plants at Kalana O Maui next month adding to the endemic ecology project in front of Kalana O Maui. 

“We are deeply moved by the dedication of our youth in championing sustainability,” said Joshua Cooper, Chief Sustainability Officer for the County of Maui Office of Innovation & Sustainability. “Their voices, showcased through discussions on the UN Sustainable Development Goals, illuminate the path towards a more equitable and resilient future for Maui Nui. Let us stand alongside these inspiring young leaders as they drive meaningful change, shaping a world where every voice matters.”


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