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Maui Bicycling League successfully hosts Memorial Ride of Silence

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  • Memorial Ride of Silence 2024. (5.25.24) PC: Chuck Tsang / Maui Bicycling League
  • Memorial Ride of Silence 2024. (5.25.24) PC: Chuck Tsang / Maui Bicycling League
  • Memorial Ride of Silence 2024. (5.25.24) PC: Chuck Tsang / Maui Bicycling League
  • Memorial Ride of Silence 2024. (5.25.24) PC: Chuck Tsang / Maui Bicycling League
  • Memorial Ride of Silence 2024. (5.25.24) PC: Chuck Tsang / Maui Bicycling League

The Maui Bicycling League held its annual Ride of Silence on Saturday, joining over 400 locations worldwide in honoring cyclists who have been injured or lost their lives while riding. The event drew more than 30 bike riders and advocates who came together to ride in silence, dressed in white, to commemorate those who have tragically died while cycling.

The memorial ride was led by Chuck Tsang and Alan Fong, with refreshments provided by Robin Hagen in memory of her late husband Karl. Karl was tragically killed in 2014 by an impaired driver while cycling on the Piʻilani Highway.

“The Ride of Silence is a poignant reminder of the vulnerability of cyclists on our roads and the urgent need for safer, protected bike and pedestrian pathways on Maui,” said Saman Dias, Chair of the Maui Bicycling League. “Most of these tragic accidents occur due to drivers’ wrongdoings or under the influence of alcohol and drugs. The lack of protected bike lanes and inadequate enforcement are key factors in these preventable deaths. Today, we honor those we have lost, valuable members of our Maui community, with heavy hearts.”

During the event, the MBL also paid tribute to over 100 lives lost during the recent Lahaina fire, emphasizing the broader impact of community tragedies.


The following Maui community members were honored with heavy hearts:

Volker Weiss, Kahului, Age 59: Weiss was riding with friends in Kahului in July 2023 when he was fatally struck head-on by a driver who crossed a double yellow line while overtaking multiple vehicles. Weiss was a husband and father who spent many mornings cycling around the West Maui Mountains.

Agustin Dela Cruz, Lahaina, Age 73: Cruz’s life was cut short on his ride home from his shift at Fleetwood’s in 2021 after being struck by a drunk driver on Front Street. The driver, who had several prior DUI convictions, fled the scene of the crime. Cruz was a hardworking father who juggled three jobs to provide for his six children and 20 grandchildren.

Henry C. Ritmeester, Haʻikū, Age 64: Ritmeester was killed in 2021 after being struck head-on by a truck that veered into the opposite lane of traffic on the Kula Highway. Authorities believe speed could have been a factor in this negligent homicide. He was very involved with his church and was a loving husband, father and grandfather.


Andrew Janssen, Kula, Age 64: Janssen was killed on Christmas Eve in 2019 after a driver hit the cyclist while making a left turn off Kekaulike Ave. in Kula. Janssen was riding in a designated bike lane. He ran a local chiropractic practice, was passionate about health and philosophy, and raised money for cancer research. He was tragically taken from his wife of 25 years and triplet daughters who recently graduated from college.

Karl Hagen, Wailea, Age 61: Hagen, an avid cyclist and father to two daughters, was tragically killed in 2014 while riding in a bike lane along the Piʻilani Highway. The driver drifted into the lane and was later found with drugs in his system. Karl was very committed to his community and family and was a strong proponent for bike safety.

Saman Dias addressed the participants, highlighting the importance of safety and infrastructure improvements, and recited the Ride of Silence poem:

The Ride of Silence Poem
Today we number many but ride as one
In honor of those not with us, friends, mothers, fathers, sisters, sons.
Today we honor Karl Hagan, Andrew Jensen, Agustin Dela Cruz, Henry Ritmeester, and Volker Weiss (VW)
With helmets on tight and heads down low,
We ride in silence, cautious and slow
The wheels start spinning in the lead pack
But today we ride, and no one attacks
The dark sunglasses cover our tears
Remembering those we held so dear
Today’s ride is to make others aware
The road is there for all to share
To those not with us or by our side,
May God be your partner on your final ride

Alika Asing, a recent accident survivor, shared his story during the event. Alika was struck by a car and nearly lost his life. He expressed gratitude to the MBL for organizing the ride and for the support he has received from the bicycling community, which has been instrumental in his recovery and return to riding.


The Maui Bicycling League encourages all community members to share the road, follow traffic rules, and understand the vulnerability of cyclists. It is vital to not drink and drive, slow down, and adhere to road safety regulations.

“Additionally, we remind all cyclists to wear helmets at all times while riding, even though Hawaiʻi law only requires those under the age of 16 to do so. Cyclists must also do their part by obeying the rules of the road,” organizers said.

For more information, visit Hawaiʻi Bicycle Laws.


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