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Construction Industry of Maui awards $25K scholarships to three outstanding high school seniors

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2024 CIM scholarship recipients (l-r) Emi Sado, Carla Mae Agrade and John Kaahui. PC: Construction Industry of Maui

The Construction Industry of Maui (CIM) awarded three Maui high school students each a $25,000 scholarship—the Bob Poulson scholarship—to encourage education towards a career in the construction industry. This year’s scholarship recipients are Maui high school seniors, Carla Mae Agrade of Lahaina, John Kaahui of Haʻikū and Emi Sado of Kahului.

“I am immensely proud to award this year’s scholarships to such deserving and exceptional students. It is a privilege to support their academic journeys and witness the beginning of their promising futures,” said Anthony Nelson, CIM Scholarship Committee chair and president of Maui-based company, Rethink Restoration. “I have no doubt that these scholars will go on to achieve great accomplishments, and look forward to seeing the remarkable impact they will make in our island home.”

The Bob Poulson scholarship encourages Maui students to pursue a degree in the construction and design industry, away from Maui, then bring their acquired knowledge, skills and local hearts back to Maui to serve their communities.


Bob Poulson was a steward in the Maui community. One of the original leaders of Construction Industry of Maui, he co-founded Arita Poulson General Contracting in 1986 and was involved with the building and remodeling of over a thousand projects on Maui and island-wide, including schools, housing, churches , healthcare facilities and other significant projects. This scholarship honors Bob Poulson’s legacy, perpetuating his spirit of helping others, his leadership and how he enjoyed teaching young people about construction industry opportunities. To date, more than $350,000 in scholarship funds have been awarded to 15 of deserving Maui high school students.

The three esteemed students received their scholarships at a celebration banquet on May 22 at the Fuego Argentinean Steakhouse at the Maui Lani Golf Course. Eligibility for the scholarships included graduating from a Maui high school and entering a two- or four-year degree program in construction, engineering, landscaping and/or other design fields.

Carla Mae Agrade, a Lahainaluna High School student, plans to attend the University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa’s College of Engineering, majoring in mechanical engineering. She also was accepted at the University of California, Irvine. Agrade stands out for her academic excellence and technical prowess, and to date has consistently achieved top marks in her classes. Her skills include writing technical papers, using power tools and manual machinery, programming and manufacturing with CNC (Computer Numerical Control) machinery, prototyping with laser cutters, wiring, soldering, and building and testing circuitry. 


Beyond her academic achievements, Agrade is a natural leader. An active member of the student council and various school organizations, she is recognized by peers and teachers alike for her ability, attitude, and genuine care for others. Despite the challenges faced by her community, including the devastating Lahaina fires, Agrade demonstrated remarkable resilience and a positive outlook. With her strong academic background, technical skills, and leadership qualities, Agrade is poised to make significant contributions to her future academic community and beyond.

“Considering my financial barriers, it was difficult to imagine how I would take on the challenges of both financial and academics. Thanks to this scholarship, I am able to devote more time to my studies and take part in extracurricular activities that would enhance my skills,” said Agrade. “This generous deed has added to my burning desire to come back to my home and give back to my community.”

John Kaahui, a Seabury Hall student, earned acceptance into the School of Engineering at Santa Clara University, Pomona College and the Frank R. Seaver College of Science and Engineering at Loyola Marymount University. He plans to attend Pomona because of its outstanding program. Kaahui is majoring in mechanical engineering with a 3-2 program through Pomona, partnering with Dartmouth College and will receive two degrees, one from Pomona and one from Dartmouth in mechanical engineering. Kaahui’s academic journey is marked by a strong commitment to engineering and a deep passion for learning. Kaahui’s achievements and extracurricular involvement speak volumes about his capabilities. In addition to his academic pursuits, Kaahui is actively engaged in various extracurricular activities such as air riflery, paddling, tennis, taekwondo, and an array of community service projects. He is recognized by his instructors and peers as a well-rounded individual who has not only excelled in academics but also made significant contributions to his community.


Kaahui’s personal story is one of resilience and dedication. Growing up in the small village of Olowalu, with deep family roots, he has faced and overcome numerous challenges. His teachers and mentors commend him for his ability to navigate obstacles with a positive and determined attitude. Kaahui is highly regarded by his peers and instructors for his collaborative spirit and leadership qualities. He is known for his ability to work well with others and his genuine care for those around him. With his solid academic foundation, practical skills, and leadership qualities, Kaahui is set to make meaningful contributions to his future academic community and the field of engineering.

“I guess people don’t need to go to Vegas to change their futures after all! This amazingly generous scholarship from CIM offers me tremendous support for embarking on my journey to attain two degrees simultaneously: one from Pomona, and one from Dartmouth,” said Kaahui. “I’ll put this money to good use in equipping myself with both knowledge and technical skills required to help resolve the challenges facing Maui.”

Emi Sado, a Maui High School student, was accepted into two prestigious engineering programs: Wentworth Institute of Technology and California Polytechnic. She plans to attend Cal Poly. Sado consistently demonstrates academic excellence, maintaining a perfect GPA of 4.0. Her academic achievements are complemented by her involvement in various technical and engineering-related extracurricular activities such as an architecture club and SkillsUSA, a statewide and national competition, where she has developed a wide range of skills. In her early middle and high school years, she participated in STEM and robotics programs. Sado’s teachers and mentors have praised her for her dedication, technical abilities, and leadership qualities.

Additionally, her outstanding performance in both academic and technical subjects demonstrates her commitment to her studies and her passion for engineering. Given the wildfires that ravaged Maui last year, Sado has shown remarkable resilience and maintained a positive outlook, continuing to excel academically and contribute to her school community. With her strong academic foundation, technical skills, and leadership qualities, Sado is well-positioned to make significant contributions to her future academic community and the field of engineering.

“Being part of the community of Maui for my entire life has shaped the person I am and allowed me to gain various values,” said Sado. “This scholarship will help me begin college more financially stable. I hope to return to Maui to build up a better foundation for future generations. I hope to see a future where the housing crisis in Maui is alleviated so that more students like me can grow up benefiting from the values and strengths that this community has instilled in me.”


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