Hawai‘i Community Foundation appoints new leader for Maui Wildfire Recovery
As Maui continues its disaster response and moves toward mid- and long-term recovery, the Hawaiʻi Community Foundation (HCF) has hired Keanu Lau Hee as our senior director of the Maui Recovery Effort. She officially joins HCF on July 16.
In her role, Lau Hee will lead HCF’s external efforts related to Maui County, inclusive of HCF’s role in Maui’s recovery from the wildfires. She will represent HCF executive leadership across Maui County on all related matters, specifically represent the Foundation in Maui recovery efforts, and engage regularly with the Maui Strong Fund Special Oversight Committee and the broader HCF Board of Governors, CEO and senior leadership team.

Lau Hee currently holds deputy roles for both the Maui County managing director as well as the Office of Recovery.
“I am particularly drawn to this role at Hawaiʻi Community Foundation due to its dedication to forging connections and advocating for equity, which resonates with my professional philosophy and personal values. I am eager to bring all that I have to offer to the HCF Maui team and broader organization, contributing to impactful recovery and resilience for our local residents, businesses, and community resources that are critical to our well-being,” said Lau Hee.
HCF CEO and president Micah Kāne said, “We are very excited to have Keanu as part of our leadership team, especially as we continue to work closely with Maui County, the local nonprofits and residents toward a future they have longed for and deserve.”
For nonprofit organizations seeking funding from the Maui Strong Fund, the HCF website for detailed instructions on how to apply for a MSF grant. https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/strengthening/maui-strong-fund/apply-for-a-grant. For donations to the Maui Strong Fund at HCF, visit https://www.hawaiicommunityfoundation.org/maui-strong.