MEO Teen Financial Literacy workshop draws 29 youth
Twenty-nine middle and high school youth learned the importance of creating an emergency fund, not applying for 15 credit cards and that “you never get a second chance to make a first impression” when applying for a job at the two-day Maui Economic Opportunity Teen Financial Literacy workshop this week.
The MEO Business Development Center workshop, held Monday and Tuesday at MEO in Wailuku, was taught by BDC specialists Lianne Peros-Busch and Jaimie Dukelow.
Topics covered included budgeting and saving, basic banking, applying for jobs, obtaining credit and not to be lured by “shiny credit cards,” like a young Jaimie was at the Disney Store.
Each youth received a certificate and pizza lunch Tuesday at the conclusion of the class.
BDC generally offers the Teen Financial Literacy workshop during the summer and fall breaks, without cost to middle- and high-school youth. The Maui County Office of Economic Development provides funding for the workshop.