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Volunteers wanted for MOC Marine Institute and SHARKastics Reef Cleanup 

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An entangled honu rescued by MOCMI.

The Maui Ocean Center Marine Institute (MOCMI) and SHARKastics will host a collaborative reef cleanup along Sugar Beach on Saturday, Sept. 14, from 8 to 11 a.m.

Volunteers will meet at the Keālia Boardwalk and are asked to bring their own snorkel gear, mesh bag (or other receptacle) to collect marine debris, gloves, and any other tools they would like to utilize. The MOCMI team will provide a water cooler for refills and light snacks.

All debris that is collected will be sorted and counted on-site, and then re-used, recycled or disposed of properly. The citizen science data gathered from the cleanup will contribute to ongoing marine debris research, a statewide effort partially funded by the Department of Land and Natural Resources Division of Aquatic Resources.  


Coral reefs are considered the “rainforests” of the sea due to their diversity and ecological value, organizers said. They provide food and habitats for over 7,000 species of marine plants and animals, as well as protect shorelines from erosion.

“Marine debris, such as fishing gear and plastics, are detrimental to the health of the reefs and their inhabitants. In fact, greater than 80% of the Marine Institute’s sea turtle rescues are the result of fishing line entanglements. One of the best ways to mitigate these incidents is to mālama i ke kai (take care of the sea) through community action,” according to an event announcement.

Fishing gear collected from a prior MOCMI reef clean-up.

Those interested in volunteering should RSVP at For more information contact Katie at Attendees are advised to carpool, if possible, as there is limited parking space available. 


For those who are passionate about caring for Maui beaches, but are unable to attend, there are other ways to volunteer through the MOCMI Honu Hero Program, a self-directed beach clean-up. Another way to help is to add reef cleanup findings all around Maui to the MOCMI online database:

The MOC Marine Institute is a small nonprofit based out of Māʻalaea that works to ensure the survival of coral reefs and sea turtles in Hawai’i through science-based conservation efforts, education and outreach. All MOC Marine Institute sea turtle stranding response, rescue, rehabilitation and research activities are authorized by NOAA permit 21260 and USFWS permit TE-72088A-3.


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