Maui storm related facility closures

All Maui County pools, sports playing fields, tennis and basketball courts and stadiums, including the Waiehu Golf Course, remain closed due to storm-related impacts, according to the Department of Parks and Recreation.
Impacted parks include Kanahā Beach Park – Kaʻa Point and street gate, Keyhole Beach and Kite Beach; Waiheʻe Beach Park; Leisure Estates Park; Kehalani Mauka Park; Baldwin Beach Park; Keōkea Park Complex; Kula Community Center Complex; Rice Park; Kenolio Dog Park; Ka Lae Pohaku Beach Park; Kalepolepo Beach Park; Lei Park; Kalama Park; Kamaʻole Beach Park I; Kamaʻole Beach Park II; Kamaʻole Beach Park III; War Memorial Sports Complex; Keōpūolani Park – Hui Aloha Playground; Keōpūolani Skate Park; Kepaniwai Park; Papālaua Wayside Park, Ukumehame Beach Park; Hanakaōʻō Park; Wahikuli Wayside Park; Lahaina Recreation Center; Ainakea Park; and Launiupoko Beach Park.
Parks and facilities will reopen as flooding and damage assessments are made and debris has been removed.
Kamaʻole Beach Park II will remain closed due to an irrigation line break and will reopen once repairs are completed.
At 11 a.m. today, Lānaʻi Landfill was closed after heavy rains and flooding affected already-saturated conditions. A decision will be made Saturday morning on whether the landfill can be safely opened. For information, call 808-565-7197.
County of Maui Recycling Centers in Makawao, Kīhei, and Haʻikū are closed until further notice due to weather, according to Department of Environmental Management.
All County of Maui offices are closed and expected to reopen Monday.