Maui High Wins National Video Challenge
By Wendy Osher
Hawaii public school students swept the competition in the national 2011 Student Television Network Challenge, taking home first place prizes in all categories, including: news, sports, and film.
The top High School Sports Challenge prize went to Maui High School’s Allyssa Ferrer, Roselyn Domingo, and Lee Ah Lee, for “Nifo Oti.”
Students at Waianae High School on Oahu won both the film and news categories of the competition.
The school’s “Rolling with the Punch Lines,” produced by Jenna Munoz, Michael Gooch, Kahea Hussey, and Caila Westlake, won the High School News Challenge award. Waianae’s “Compositions of a Mad Scientist,” a special-effects filled short by Kerstye Kau, Shayla Bradley, Alexander Moniz-Vinluan, and DJ Westbrook won the High School Film Challenge award.
The 2011 STN Challenge supports, promotes, and recognizes student excellence in broadcast, video and filmmaking.
The STN competition is judged by professionals within the television news industry, with scores based on technical skills as well as production quality and journalistic integrity.

1st Place High School Film Challenge (Back row, l-r) Kerstye Kau, Alexander Moniz-Vinluan, Shayla Bradley, and DJ Westbrook (front).

1st Place High School News Challenge, and 3rd Place Sports Challenge (Back row, l-r) Michael Gooch, Jenna Munoz, Caila Westlake, Alicia Keanu, Faron Jove, and Kahunui Foster. (Front, l-r) Kahea Hussey, and Manola Chankthakham.