UPDATE: Manhunt Expands to Maui for Dangerous Escapee
UPDATE: Sources tell Maui Now that a man who escaped from the Hawaiʻi State Hospital on Sunday, was only on Maui for a short while before boarding another flight for the mainland. According to our sources, 59-year-old Randall Toshio Saito arrived on Maui aboard a chartered flight, paying $1500 for the ticket. He was only on Maui for about an hour and a half before he purchased a ticket to board a flight bound for San Jose, California, possibly using another name, sources tell Maui Now. The full update is posted at the following direct LINK.
(Previous Post)

Randall Saito.
The manhunt has spread to Maui for a man who escaped from the Hawaiʻi State Hospital on Sunday.
Maui police say 59-year-old Randall Toshio Saito boarded a flight to Maui, but it is unclear if Maui was his final destination.

Saito’s hair is cut shorter than in his picture
The Honolulu Star Advertiser reports that Saito was diagnosed with sexual sadism and necrophilia. He reportedly killed a woman at the Ala Moana Center in 1979, but was acquitted by reason of insanity.
Saito is described as 6’ tall, heavy set with black hair and brown eyes. Anyone with information on Saito’s whereabouts is asked to call Maui police or 9-1-1.
(Previous Post: 11.13.17)
Maui police have confirmed that a man who escaped from the Hawaiʻi State Hospital on Sunday, boarded a flight to Maui.
According to Maui police, the whereabouts of Randall Saito are currently unknown. Saito is described as 59 years old, 6’ tall, heavy set with black hair and brown eyes. (Saito’s hair is cut shorter than in his picture)
Saito was reportedly acquitted of killing a woman in 1979 by reason of insanity. The Honolulu Star-Advertiser is among the media outlets that reports Saito was “diagnosed with sexual sadism and necrophilia.”
DO NOT APPROACH OR TRY TO APPREHEND. If you have any information on Saito, please call Maui Police at (808) 244-6400 or call 9-1-1 in an emergency. You may also call the State Department of Public Safety Sheriff’s Department at (808) 587-3623.
Police say that on Sunday, Nov. 12, 2017, at approximately 9 a.m., Saito left the Hawaiʻi State Hospital and did not return. Maui police say he boarded a plane and traveled to Maui shortly after his escape.
The Hawaiʻi State Department of Health responded to the escapee report with the following statement:
“The Hawaiʻi State Hospital staff takes all escapes seriously and has safeguards in place to minimize the chances of these from occurring. A thorough investigation is now underway to gather more details to identify areas for improvement.
To comply with federal and state privacy laws, the Hawaiʻi Department of Health may not disclose information on Hawaiʻi State Hospital patients.
We are also aware of the need to support the safety of the public and per protocol, any escape is reported to law enforcement to expedite searches for patients, including the patient who escaped from the Hawaiʻi State Hospital on Sunday.”
The Honolulu Police Department and Crime Stoppers also issued an alert earlier today. Anyone with information about this incident can make an anonymous call to CrimeStoppers at (808) 955-8300. CrimeStoppers pays cash rewards of up to $1,000 for information that leads to the arrest of a suspect. All calls to Crimestoppers are confidential and anonymous. CrimeStoppers rewards are not paid to persons who participate in a crime, nor are victims of a crime, or in missing person cases.
Authorities advise the public not to approach any suspect. All suspects and wanted fugitives should be considered armed and dangerous.