Public Comment Invited on Haleakalā Sunrise Visitor Management EA

Centennial sunrise. Photo credit: Tad Craig
Haleakalā National Park updated the public and gathered community input last night on its Environmental Assessment for sunrise visitor management at the summit of Haleakalā.
Park staff provided information, answered questions and accept comments during the event, which was held in Pukalani.
Public comments will be accepted through Feb. 20, 2018: online or via email ( with the subject line “Sunrise Visitor Management EA”) or postal mail (Haleakalā NP, Sunrise Visitor Management EA, Attention: Linette King, P.O. Box 369, Makawao, HI, 96768).
The purpose of the EA is to analyze the impact of potential actions to manage sunrise summit visitation in a manner that provides for the safety of employees and park visitors; protects sensitive natural and cultural resources; and improves the visitor experience.
Sunrise viewing at the summit of Haleakalā is a top visitor attraction on Maui. Pre-dawn through sunrise is the busiest time of day and there has been an ongoing, steady, and significant increase in sunrise visitation. In response to concerns about safety and resource damage due to overcrowding, the park implemented emergency restrictions via a pilot sunrise reservation system. This reservation system, which began Feb. 1, 2017, dramatically reduced crowding during sunrise and will be evaluated in the EA, along with other potential solutions.
Before including any personal identifying information, anyone providing written comment should be aware their entire comment – including their personal identifying information – may be made publicly available at any time. While anyone wishing to comment may ask the National Park Service in their comment to withhold their personal identifying information from public review, the National Park Service cannot guarantee it will be able to do so.