A Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition, “Key Ingredients: America by Food”
Exhibit Host Site: Maui Community College, Ka`a’ike Building
FREE! February 14 – April 12 (closed Sundays and holidays)
Curated by Charles Camp, Key Ingredients: America by Food explores the connections between Americans and the foods we produce, prepare, preserve, and present at the table. Our recipes, menus, ceremonies, etiquette, and even our
fast foods are directly affected by our country’s rich immigrant history, evolving technology, and the ever-changing availability of key ingredients. Learn how culture, ethnicity, landscape and tradition influence the flavors of our nation.
Many campus activities and events will be hosted during this time.
Saturday, February 14th, 2009 to Sunday, April 12th, 2009
Maui Community College
310 Kaahumanu Ave.
Kahului, HIÂ 96732
Ka’a’ike Building