Fundraiser tonight for Maui Teacher diagnosed with rare cancer
By Wendy Osher
A Fundraiser will be held for Maui High School Teacher Mike Siopes tonight (Thursday, May 06, 2010) at Ruby’s Diner at the Queen Ka’ahumanu Shopping Center. Siopes, who has been with the DOE for 17 years, was recently diagnosed with the rare Neuroendocrine Cancer and is being treated at Duke Medical Center in North Carolina. Over the years Siopes’ students have voted him “most entertaining” and “funniest” teacher. Proceeds from tonight’s event will help to defray medical costs.
Upcoming events:
- ·Ruby’s Diner Fun Raiser @ The Queen Ka’ahumanu Mall
o Thursday, May 6th, 2010
o 5:00 – 9:00 pm
o Download the flyer from: and 20% of all food & non-alcoholic beverages will be donated to the “Friends of Mike Siopes” FHB Account.
(Blue bracelets for Siopes will be on sale for $5 each tonight at Ruby’s)
- ·Car Wash Fun Raiser @ St. Theresa’s Church in Kihei
o Saturday, June 26th, 2010
o 8:00 – 2:00 pm
o Pre-sale tickets will be available soon.
Donations are also being accepted at any First Hawaiian Bank location under the Friends of Mike Siopes account.