VIDEO: Johanna Amorin, State House Dist 11, Candidate Profile, Decision 2010
Johanna Amorin, 2010 candidate for State House District 11, Transcript:
Introduction: Aloha, I’m Johanna Amorin. I’m running for the State House of Representatives, South Maui, 11th District. I have been a resident of south Maui since 1973. Today, I’m a business owner, but I have given about 40 years of community service to Maui County. I’ve enjoyed my life here on Maui, and I’m here to let you know about what my strong focus will be. I am a business owner and I am into employment. I want to use all of my leadership and experiences to help in the field of finding jobs
for our people. Many people today, they are destitute, to no fault of their own. Many of them are homeless today. Our businesses are struggling. I have walked in Kihei and I understand the climate there, and it’s grim. It is grim. So with all of my experience and leadership skills, I want to bring this to you, the people of Maui–of South Maui, my district.
Medical Marijuana: Are in support of or against the legalization of medical marijuana dispensaries or compassion centers in Hawaii? Answer: As I recall, as far as my upbringing goes, that is an illicit drug. But today, over years and years, it’s actually medicinal to people, and especially I believe in the pain area. I have been told that certain people have gone to seek medical attention to their needs, and they have been issued special cards, permitting them the usage of marijuana. But how do we control marijuana? It is an illicit drug. Where do we keep those illicit drugs? They’re all under lock and key, and they are given out to customers from pharmaceuticals, from medical institutions–and that is what I will support. I don’t believe in having private entities control the use or the dispensing of marijuana. That is how I feel. It should be controlled through proper channels, and it’s all through medical facilities.
Education reform/locally controlled school boards: What is your stance on locally controlled school boards? Answer: I believe it will benefit smaller communities. I believe that Maui has many communities–some larger than others. But I do believe that the school boards could be controlled better if on a local basis. The children’s needs; the assessment of the school, whether it’s their premise, it’s their maintenance, should be controlled locally. And this is a benefit, not only to the kids–it’s a benefit also for the teachers. The principal is also there to monitor the operations, and they should be the one to make the best decisions and ask for those requisitions that are necessary. This way, they could bring services to their school and those students. Students and education are a priority.
Superferry: Given the current economic climate, would you support the return of the Hawaii Superferry to help stimulate interisland commerce? Answer: Should we bring back the Superferry to Hawaii? I’ve had the opportunity to ride that Superferry two times. I have seen the commercial vehicles, the families that are relocating–stuffing their cars with even mattresses. I have seen families traveling to visit ohana, to do shopping. In fact, I was one of those. I took my car. Even the pets went along on the vessel. It was an absolute marvelous experience. Yes, it should be brought back. And why? We talk about sustainability. Two great components that this vessel offers to its customers: saving money, and making money. Yes, I believe we should bring it back. However, we need to also get the environmental impact statement completed and approved. We have concerns of our people on each island to protect their natural resources. I believe every island should draft their own policies as far as penalties in those areas. It’s all about all of us coming together and making it happen. But you know, that Superferry will definitely, definitely improve our economy.
Transient accommodations tax: If elected to serve, what would you do to ensure that Maui keeps its share of the Transient Accommodations Tax? Answer: I pay TAT taxes. You know, I’m one of you. I’m one of many of you out there. Why should we have another island take our taxes when we need it here? I believe each island should actually keep their own taxes, and our own government decide what is best for its use. We all have rentals; we all have transient vacation rentals on every island. And each more than others, but that is a necessity. And I will try to voice my concern–lobby–whatever it takes. And I’m sure many of us on each of our islands, we do not want to give that up.
Closing thoughts:First off, I just want to say mahalo to Pacific Radio Group for bringing me into your home, your office, wherever you’re at to listen to me. I have a concern. I am a family member; I have friends; and you are my neighbors; and I want to make a difference for all of you. Please go to the polls on September 18 (2010) and vote, Johanna Amorin, State House of Representatives for South Maui. I am having a big event and I want to invite all of my supporters and my constituents. It’s going to be on August 31st on a Tuesday. It’s my Birthday Bash, and I’m calling it “Giving South Maui my Presence.” I will have a lot of organizations there to recognize. The place: Kihei Community Center. Again, mahalo for listening to me; and vote, Johanna Amorin, State House of Representatives, South Maui, District 11. Mahalo.