Elton John Fans Camp out in Maui Rain
By Wendy Osher
More than 200 members of the Maui Arts & Cultural Center (MACC) were already in line this morning awaiting the 10 a.m. start of ticket sales for the upcoming Elton John concert. The first two people in line arrived at 9:30 a.m. Monday morning to secure their spots for the February 25th Maui-only concert.

Longtime friends and Elton John fans, Nancy Halley of Wailuku (left) and Carol Aldred of Kula (right) were first and second in line when ticket sales opened this morning for MACC members. Photo by Wendy Osher.
[flashvideo file=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aVgFs8iv1N8 /] “I was the first one here and I felt a little embarrassed,” said Nancy Halley of Wailuku. But she was welcomed with enthusiasm by staff and management at the facility, including the MACC Marketing Director who dropped off warm banana bread for the first fan in line.
Fellow fan, Carol Aldred of Kula who was the second in line, said the weather was a bit brutal, “but we were able to stay cozy warm and dry.”
Another 15 people camped out overnight, braving the flash flood warning on Maui, but most described the atmosphere as fun and friendly.
“It was a party until 3 in the morning with lots of Elton John playing,” said Aldred, who first saw Elton John live in concert when she was a teen in Seattle. “Elton John was my first concert ever,” she said.
While tickets went on sale to MACC members today, sale to the general public begins on January 15, 2011. Tickets range from $77 for general admission to $252 for reserve seating (plus applicable fees).
The concert begins at 7 p.m., Friday, February 25, 2011 at the Yokouchi Pavilion and A&B Amphitheater.