Wheelie Tennis Clinic with Para-Olympian Beth Arnoult
By Wendy Osher
The County of Maui will host a free Whillie Tennis Clinic for disabled athletes. The clinic will take place Saturday, March 19, 2011 from 1-5 p.m. at the Kahului Community Center Tennis Courts. The clinic will be taught by professional tennis instructors Jack DeAndrade and Para-Olympian Beth Arnoult.
To register or for more information, participants can call Tara at 270-7979 or email tara.sabado@co.maui.hi.us. All-Sport Quickie Wheelchairs will be available.
In related news, The United States Tennis Association (USTA) announced today that the County of Maui Department of Parks and Recreation is the recipient of a $2,000 USTA Wheelchair Program Grant. The grant is one of 21 issued by the USTA from a fund totaling $45,000.
Grants were awarded to local organizations that promote and develop the growth of wheelchair tennis and use the sport to build stronger, healthier communities. Recipients can use the award to meet coaching, court time, equipment, recruitment and tournament needs.