Tsutsui to Host DLNR Listening Session on Maui
By Wendy Osher
A Listening Session will be held on Maui to hear community concerns and input on topics that fall under the jurisdiction of the Department of Land and Natural Resources (DLNR).
The meeting will be hosted by Senate President Shan Tsutsui of Maui, and will include participation from DLNR Chair William Aila Jr., First Deputy Guy Kaulukukui, and Water Deputy Bill Tam of Honolulu.
The public is invited to provide comment, ask questions, or air concerns. The meeting will run from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on Saturday, September 17, 2011 at the Lahaina Intermediate School Cafeteria.
A similar meeting was held on Kaua’i last month.
“These listening sessions are purely for the Department to visit with communities and receive feedback on the communities’ ideas and concerns relating to the Department responsibilities,” said Aila. “Community participation is essential to caring for our land and natural resources in Hawai’i,” he said.
The jurisdiction of DLNR extends from the mountaintops to three miles seaward of the coast. The state department is responsible for managing 1.3 million acres of state land, 3 million acres of state ocean waters, and 2 million acres of conservation district lands.
The department is also responsible for management of drinking water supply, fisheries, coral reefs, indigenous and endangered plants and animals, and all of Hawai’i’s historic and cultural sites.
Individuals who are unable to attend, but would like to send comments, questions, or concers, can do so by emailing: DLNR2011ListeningSessions@hawaii.gov.