Ask the Mayor: Do I Need a Permit for a Short-Term Bedroom Rental?

Maui Now stock photo. Feb. 2017.
Mayor Alan Arakawa answers some of the questions submitted to his staff.
Submit your own questions about County of Maui programs, services, operations or policies to Mayor Alan Arakawa at, 270-7855 or mail them to 200 S. High Street, 9th Floor, Wailuku, HI 96793.
Questions submitted will be considered for inclusion in the “Ask the Mayor” column.
Aloha Mr. Mayor,
Q: I was wondering what the laws are regarding a short-term bedroom rental in my home. I live in a residential area of Wailuku without a TVR permit. I see many people on Craigslist and Airbnb advertising a bedroom for rent on a short-term basis, something I am thinking about doing, too.
A: You’ll need a permit to operate legally, either a bed-and-breakfast permit for owners that live on-site or a short-term rental home permit for absentee owners. For properties on agricultural land, additional permits are required.
To learn more about the permit application process and requirements, visit and click on “Development Permits, Applications & Reviews” in the left margin; then scroll down and click on the “Short Term Rentals” link.
You can also contact the Planning Department at 270-8205 for further information.