Toyota Dream Car Keiki Art Contest, Jan. 31
Toyota is seeking entries for its 13th Toyota Dream Car Art Contest and invites keiki ages 4 to 15 to submit a drawing of their dream car by Jan. 31, 2019.
The Toyota Dream Car Art Contest is designed to inspire creativity in youth and imagine the future of mobility.
Winners of the contest in participating countries worldwide are chosen from three age categories: under 8 years old; 8 to 11 years old; and 12 to 15 years old, with judging based on three criteria: artistry, uniqueness and execution of concept.
Nine US winners will be selected, with prizes including the opportunity to enter the Toyota Motor Corporation World Competition for a chance to win an all-expenses-paid trip to Japan.
The artwork of the nine winners, along with winners from more than 80 other countries, will be forwarded to Japan for consideration in the World Contest.
In 2017, two talented local artists, Aja Middleton and Sophia Stark, were selected from 830,000 entries to attend the Toyota World Dream Car Art Contest Awards Ceremony in Japan with their families.
All submissions must be mailed directly to:
Toyota Financial Services Dream Car Art Contest
c/o Cause Connect LLC
5535 Memorial Dr. Suite F-666
Houston, TX 77007
For official entry forms and contest information, visit: