Hokama Introduces Moratorium for Transient Accommodation Permits on Lāna‘i

Riki Hokama.
Councilmember Riki Hokama introduced legislation to establish a moratorium on transient accommodation permits on the island of Lānaʻi, where no limits are currently established.
“The moratorium would give the Maui County Council a year to set permit caps on short-term rental home and bed and breakfast home permits and consider other necessary ordinances for the island,” Hokama said in a press release announcement.
He also had written to the Department of Planning to suggest pending applications for new transient accommodations permits on the island of Lānaʻi be held in abeyance.
“The residential character of our island community is jeopardized when vacation rentals operate without regulation or oversight,” said Hokama, who holds the council seat for the Lana`i residency area. “I look forward to working with the Lānaʻi Planning Commission, the Planning Department, and my colleagues to create a better framework for transient accommodations. In the meantime, a moratorium is needed.”