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Nisei Veterans Memorial Center to Host Leadership Talk

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Nisei Veterans Memorial Center, file photo by Wendy Osher.

The Nisei Veterans Memorial Center announced its July Ta-Ke Leadership talk on Tuesday, July 21 at 4 p.m. via ZOOM. The Ta-Ke (which means bamboo in Japanese) series features outstanding leaders in the community sharing their insights on modern-day society, current issues we are collectively facing, and how through the lens of the Nisei Values,  we can get past today’s obstacles for a brighter tomorrow as we resume our daily lives after months of social distancing.

The Tuesday, July 21 presentation is titled Hope and Faith in this time of Pandemic and Protest, led by Rev. David Turner. In turbulent times, we look back on the resilience of our predecessors. For Rev. David Turner, the memory of his late grandfather, Col Farrant Turner (the first Commanding Officer of the 100th Infantry Battalion [separate]), and the seven generations that came before him are reminders of enduring and overcoming obstacles. This topic is reflective of his family history of inclusion and working for justice.

In Japan’s bygone years, people were told to run for safety into bamboo groves in the event of an earthquake because the bamboo’s strong root structure would hold the Earth together. Perhaps in today’s societal and political atmosphere, it is more important than ever to seek inspiration in that which holds the Earth together, that which holds us together.  The Nisei values of courage, respect, humility, perseverance, resiliency, compassion, obligation, and patience offer a perfect template for us.


To register, call the NVMC at 244-NVMC (6862) or email


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