Critical minutes: Timeline details early emergency response to Lahaina wildfire
A minute-by-minute timeline assembled by fire investigators provides a chilling, detailed account of how a grassland fire reported at 2:55 p.m. Aug. 8, mauka of the Lahaina Bypass and Kelawea Mauka Makai Park, rapidly grew into a monster, devouring everything in its path.
The story of the afternoon Lahaina fire’s first 90 minutes is told through transcripts of emergency dispatch transmissions and body cameras from police directing traffic and evacuating civilians, radio exchanges of firefighters responding to fire scenes and official text messages.
Released Wednesday by Hawaiʻi Attorney General Anne Lopez, the Phase 1 Lahaina Fire Report and its accompanying minute-by-minute timeline show, step-by-step, how smoke and fiery chaos descended onto residents of historic Lahaina town and first responders trying to help them. Investigators with the Fire Safety Research Institute reported that the fire moved “incredibly fast,” spreading mauka to makai within 90 minutes, ignited by wind-blown embers, radiant heat and direct contact.
Text messages include several from and to then Maui Emergency Management Agency Administrator Herman Andaya (who was at a conference on Oʻahu) with MEMA staff, such as Rocky Keohuhu-Bolor and Gaye Gabuat, the EOC administrative assistant and MEMA public information officer; and others.
The excerpts can be difficult to read, knowing that the wildfire killed at least 101 people, destroyed more than 2,200 structures and devastated the community of Lahaina. The excerpts include emergency responder abbreviations and code. They can also be disjointed for a reader because there were multiple communications happening at the same time. Police are referred to by their badge number and fire personnel by unit numbers. Most specific addresses are redacted. This report provides the time of the communication, its location (if available), its source and the communication itself, in quotation marks.
The story picks up at 2:55 p.m. Aug. 8, 2023, when a brush fire was reported in the vicinity of Kuʻialua Street and Hoʻokahua Place, mauka of the Lahaina Bypass and Kelawea Mauka Makai Park. This report highlights spreadsheet listings that tell the story of the fire’s rapid progression in Lahaina and what was happening in Wailuku. To see every spreadsheet item, go to the Lahaina Fire Minute-By-Minute Timeline (Spreadsheet) here.
Here are excerpts:
2:55 p.m. (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (More than 20 emergency responder units) (Event Chronology Report) “Numerous callers. At the end of the cul de sac of Kuʻialua. Caller said fire spreading fast.”
2:55.16 (Police officer body cam) “Officer is directing traffic at Honoapiʻilani Highway and Keawe. Power poles and lines can be seen leaning on highway north of Keawe.”

2:55.19 (Dozens of emergency responders) “Event created. Flaring up again, at the end of the cul de sac of Kuʻialua.” (Followed by numerous callers, “reporting the same.”)
2:55.56 (Central Dispatch) ” . . . Just advising another fire at 7XX Kuʻialua Street.”
2:55.56 (Central Dispatch) “Dispatch: E3, T3, BC5 we are getting multiple calls that reporting Kuʻialua is starting back up again, flames seen.”
2:56.19 (Central Dispatch) “Another caller said fire spreading fast.”
2:57 (Text message from Keohuhu-Bolor to Andaya) “Let me know what the status is with the State Emergency Declaration.”

2:58.03 (Police officer) “Myself and 20 gonna be en route to the – make checks on the fire, and if there’s any evacuations needed. 10’s got this traffic post under control.” (Central Dispatch acknowledges, 10-4)
2:59.26 (Police officer 4850 to dispatch) “Can I send vehicles down Front Street southbound, or is it just all southbound lanes shut down?”
2:59.26 (Officer 415) “You can send them down Front Street.”
2:59.26 (Police officer 4850) “Copy that.”
3:00 (Officer 418) “Central, 418, I’m checking at Kuʻialua.” (Central acknowledges, 10-4)
3:00.27 (Kuʻialua Street) “First (fire) Unit Arrived.”
3:00.37 (Dispatch audio) “E11 on scene, right now we have approximately 20 by 100 on the north flank near the houses. We will be pulling an attack line and extinguishing this flank heading west down the (Lahaina) bypass.”
3:00.48 (Police dispatch) “Uh, fire is coming through Cannery Mall, Keawe side.”
3:00.57 (Maui Police Department event chronology) “E11: Approx 20X100 on the North flank closest to the houses pulling attack line and ext heading West.”

3:01.00 (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD chronology) “E11: Kuʻialua heading west towards the Bypass.”
3:02.03 (Dispatch audio) “E3: Tanker 3 and Wildland 3 from Engine 3, power lines down on Papaua also we need to go down Waineʻe and back up Lahainaluna. Be careful there is a line sticking out into the middle of the intersection.”
3:02.08 (Dispatch audio) “Command to T3: Go around to that road you were on earlier, keep it from jumping that road you were on, it’s heading west . . . T3: Copy Capt.”
3:02.35 (Police dispatch audio) “Just stay in your guys’ cars for now.”
3:04.43 (Dispatch audio) “E3 to Command: We’re pulling up on scene, you want us to head down by the water tank and get in front of this thing or head into the neighborhood?”
3:05.20 (MPD Body Cam) “Officers arrive at house in front of 7XX Hoʻokahua and grab garden hose to flow water on shed on fire.”
3:05.56 (MPD Body Cam) “Officers get in car and call in that the shed is burning to central. Officer knocks on neighboring houses to evacuate.”

3:06.47 (Dispatch audio) “E11: Evacuate these houses south (inaudible due to wind).”
3:06.55: (Police dispatch audio) “Uh, 7XX Hoʻokahua. They have fire coming out and there’s – the storage shed is burning, and there’s a propane tank next to it.”
3:07.22: (Police Dispatch audio) “We’re trying to double-check the houses next door.” Central response: “10-4.”
3:07.22: (Police Dispatch audio) “Uh, per fire, evacuate all the residences westbound of Kuʻialua.”
3:07.25: (MPD event chronology) “Req fire propane at residence 7XX Hoʻokahua.”
3:07.30: (Dispatch audio) “Central to Command: We have officers at 7XX Hoʻokahua. There is propane in their residence. Command: Is there anything on fire there?”
3:07.50: (Hoʻokahua Place) (Police dispatch audio) “Hoʻokahua Street, all that street’s gonna be evacuated. Central, you copy?”
3:07.50: (Hoʻokahua Place) (Police dispatch audio) “10-4, evacuating Kuʻialua and Hoʻokahua.”
3:07.50: (Police dispatch audio) “Negative, Hoʻokahua Place – Hoʻokahua Place, all of ’em west of, uh, Kuʻialua.”
3:08.18: (MPD event chronology) “Evacuate Hoʻokahua Pl.”
3:08.43: (Police dispatch audio) “Officers up at Kuʻialua, just advise the people, if they ask, it’s better they leave.”
3:08.43: (Police dispatch audio) “10-4. They’re just being advised at this point. Fire is advising them to evacuate.”
3:09.55 (Hoʻokahua Street) (MPD Body Cam) “Officer returns to shed to flow garden hose; fire is now inside the shed and next to the shed. Three officers at shed.”

3:11.48 (Old Lahaina Center, 845 Waineʻe St.) (MPD event chronology) “Event created. Part of the building fell on C1’s vehicle. Kai Sedan.”
3:12.40 (7XX Kuʻialua St.) (MPD event chronology) “7XX Hoʻokahua on fire.”
3:12.41 (Dispatch audio) “Command to RE11: The plan is you guys come up Lahainaluna and go to 7XX Hoʻokahua. There is a shed that some police have some water city lines on it now. I need you to address that as soon as you get here.”
3:13.47: (MPD Body Cam) (No audio on video) “Officers are driving through the neighborhood evacuating people.
3:15.00: (Andaya text from Gabuat) “New fire in Lahaina near the intermediate school.”
3:16.00: (Andaya to Gabuat) “Oh boy”
3:16.00: (Gabuat to Andaya) “It is approaching houses per chief.”
3:18.00: (Andaya to Gabuat) “Are evacuations underway?”
3:18.00: (Gabuat to Andaya) “Pending for chief’s update.”
3:18.09: (MPD Body Cam) “E3 and firefighter with red line arrive at shed at 3:22.11. Officers get back in SUV and drive down Lahainaluna west, you can see lots of smoke and the comment about houses on fire.”
3:18.11: (Police Dispatch audio) “Hey, let us know if we gonna shut down the road up to Lahainaluna.”
3:18.11: (Police Dispatch audio) “Uh, get another unit to go start checkin’ out the Bypass. The fire looks like it’s headed in that direction.”
3:18.35: (Police Dispatch audio) “Okay, I’ll head up.”
3:18.41: (Dispatch audio FD2) “E11 to Command: This thing is moving toward the road right now, moving toward the Bypass very quickly.” Command: “Copy.”
3:20.51: (Police Dispatch audio) “Central, 401, I’ll be shutting down Lahainaluna Road just before the Bypass.”
3:21.00: (Honolulu) “Lt. Governor (Sylvia) Luke signed a state-level emergency proclamation at 3:21 p.m. August 8th, allowing the Hawaiʻi National Guard to provide counties with assistance and giving access to state emergency funds.”
3:21.42: (Kuʻialua) (Police Dispatch audio) “I need another unit to go through this, uh, subdivision below Kuʻialua, inform people that they might have to move out.”
3:21.55: (Dispatch audio FD2) “E11 to Command: E11 to Dispatch: Have PD shut down the overpass to Lahainaluna Road, it’s jumped the road and headed toward the cars. E11 to dispatch: The fires hit the road.”
3:22.00: (Andaya text to Barros) “Asked SWP (State Warning Point, a state emergency communications center operated by the Hawaii Emergency Management Agency) to reach out to MEMA for FMAG (fire management assistance grant) form – understanding Maui seems under control – but want to roll up with full state request.”
3:22.17: (7XX Kuʻialua St.) (MPD event chronology) “E11: Have PD shut down the overpass.”
3:22.19: (7XX Kuʻialua St.) (MPD event chronology) “Fire jumped the roadway.”
3:22.42: (7XX Kuʻialua St.) (MPD event chronology) “E11: Shut down Lahainaluna.”
3:22.48: (7XX Kuʻialua St.) (MPD event chronology) “E11: Fire jumped the road.”
3:22.54: (MPD Body Cam) “Officer drives around neighborhood adjacent to Lahainaluna Road and evacuates residents using his loudspeaker.”
3:23.23: (Police Dispatch audio) “Uh, Central, 6Z41, I’m blocking off the Bypass headed into Lahaina right at Lahainaluna. It’s coming towards the roadway.”
3:23.23: (Police Dispatch audio) “Yeah, Central 10 just advising visibility going up Lahainaluna is really bad.”
3:23.23: (Police Dispatch audio) “Get em off – get em off Lahainaluna. It’s right there, turn him around, cut it off.”
3:24.00: (Chief of Staff Leo Caires to Andaya via text) “LG Luke just signed the State Dec. Includes attachment.”
3:24.10: (Officer 418) (Police Dispatch audio) “Cap, I’m right – redirecting all vehicles right now from Lahainaluna onto the Bypass northbound, any tryin’ to get out.”
3:24.25: (Officer 401) (Police Dispatch audio) “Just make sure we get the roadway clear for fire.” Response: “10-4. It’s what they’re requesting.”
3:24.24: (MPD Body Cam) “The stop at 5XX Kaʻakou Street. Officers go to back of house and tell occupants to evacuate; they are having trouble seeing and breathing.”
3:24.39: (Dispatch unredacted) “Boyfriend sees fire very close, gridlock traffic and roof blew off their house.”
3:24.42: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Command: All units, it’s jumped over Lahainaluna by Kelawea Mauka Park. We need to make sure it’s stopped over there. Extreme fire conditions. We can’t see anything.”
3:24.59: (5XX Kaʻakolu) (Police Dispatch audio, Central) “Uh, actual structure is on – on fire?”
3:24.59: (5XX Kaʻakolu) (Police Dispatch audio, on scene) “Uh, we’re checking. It might be the backyard and other storage.”
3:24.59: “Yeah, we gotta send you guys in this neighborhood. They gotta go down Komo Mai because they can’t go down Luna.”
3:24.59: “We’re on Kaʻakolu making checks of the residence; the back of the house is burning.”
3:25.00: (Gabuat text to Andaya) “Closing Lahaina Bypass road. Fire jump over to the roadway.”
3:25.32: (Lahaina Bypass) (Police Dispatch audio) “Ah, visibility right at the overpass of the Bypass is about five feet at this point, FYI.”
3:25.36: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Command to Dispatch: We’ve got extreme fire conditions. We are going to need police to help with evacuations just south of Kelawea Mauka Park.”
3:25.45: (Police Dispatch audio) “Try your guys’ best and da kine and stay out of trouble.”
3:25.56: (Police Dispatch audio) “If you can, help direct traffic from coming up Luna.”
3:25.56: (Police Dispatch audio) “Yep, 10-4, I’ll go check Mill Street then. Everybody going try to cut off everybody.”
3:25.57: (MPD Body Cam) “They drive through the area asking for evacuation and their loudspeakers. They say to evacuate down Komo Mai.”
3:26.00: (Text from Andaya to Gabuat) “Is Mayor in the room?”
3:26.00: (Text from Gabuat to Andaya) “No.” (According to a clarification from the Office of the Mayor, Mayor Richard Bissen was in the County Building, in his 9th-floor office or in the Emergency Operations Center.)
3:26.20: (Police Dispatch audio) “Is that fire heading to Keawe Street?”
3:26.34: (Police Dispatch audio) “Uh, there’s gonna be smoke headed down that direction, but so far the fire shouldn’t be. But there should definitely be smoke coming down Keawe.” Response: “10-4.”
3:26.48: (MPD event chronology) “COMM: All residents need to evacuate.”

3:26.57: (Officer 401) (Police Dispatch audio) “That should be in progress already with officers.”
3:26.57: (Officer 499) (Police Dispatch audio) “Guys up Luna, get a reckless driver driving up Luna one a gray Tacoma speeding.”
3:27.00: (Unclear location or speaker) (Maui Fire Dispatch unredacted) “Dad won’t leave after being asked.”
3:27.00: (Gabuat text to Andaya) “MFD is going to do another evacuation.”
3:27.34: (Dispatch audio FD2) “T3 to Command: T3 inoperable right now. I am working on the problem.”
3:27.51: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Command: Say again, you’re inoperable? T3: That’s affirmative. Truck shut down, trying to get it restarted. Command to WL3: You see, you need to stretch straight through this park area if you can. It’s hitting these houses.”
3:28.00: (Andaya text to Barros) “It’s starting to heat up again. We now have to evacuate Olinda and a portion of Lahaina.”
3:28.13: (Lahainaluna Road) (Police Dispatch audio) “Yeah, just be advised Lahainaluna Road both lanes are being used to drive down. There’s no room to drive up.”
3:28.25: (Dispatch audio FD2) “L3 to Command: We got a structure involved at the bottom of that fire at the top of Dickenson Street of the side of Lahainaluna here. Command: Is it interior or on the outside? Can you guys handle it? L3: It’s on the exterior. We are going to establish a water supply and do everything we can. Command: Copy. Central: Copies. RE11 to Command: We are headed down and will be behind WL3 in about 30 seconds.”
3:28.38: (MPD Body Cam) “Officers are on Lahainaluna with cars on fire next to them, and cars stopped blocking traffic. ‘Central from 30, we need to get these cars down Lahainaluna Road. The fire is next to them, and we can’t see.’ “
3:28.43: (MPD event chronology) “L3: We have a structure on fire.”

3:28.56: (Lahainaluna Road) (Police Dispatch audio) “Central, we gotta get all these cars down Lahainaluna Road. The fire is right next to the cars. We can’t see. (Officer 4SA2) Yeah, I got all traffic at the highway and Lahainaluna stopped except for makai bound Lahainaluna. (Officer 418) Just direct ’em out. Just stop all lanes except for coming down from Lahainaluna, and direct all the ones from Lahainaluna, uh, out. (4SA2) 10-4.”
3:29.00: (Andaya group text to Mayor Bissen, Chief of Staff Leo Caires, Director of Communications Mahina Martin, Corporation Counsel Tori Takeyesu, Deputy Managing Director Josiah Nishita, Managing Director Keku Akana) “New fire in Lahaina near the Intermediate School.”
3:29.10: (MPD Body Cam) “They discuss sending people out in all lanes to get them off Lahainaluna. ‘Flush them out; it doesn’t matter which way they go.’ Officers turn right on Kelawea Street, right on Aki Street and left on Lui Street. They direct cars to Komo Mai Street. They drive toward the fire on Kalana toward Lahainaluna and try to direct people to Komo Mai.”
3:29.38: “4B30: Units are aware // need to evacuate // fire is by vehicles.”
3:30.00: (Andaya group text) “It is approaching houses per chief. Closing Lahaina Bypass road. Fire jump over to the roadway. MFD is going to do another evacuation.”
3:30.00: (Maui Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency Phase 1 timeline) “At 3:30 p.m., Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency and Hawaiʻi National Guard became aware that the situation on Maui was changing.”
3:30.12: (Police Dispatch audio) “Yeah, if you at the bottom of Lahainaluna and the highway, just flush out Luna, the best you can. (Response) 10-4. (Officer 499) Yeah, it doesn’t really matter which direction they going. But these guys need to just go.”
3:30.35: (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 401) “Yeah, just stop traffic on both sides of the highway and let these guys out. (Officer 4SA2) “10-4 we got that.”
3:30.44: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Dispatch to Command: We are getting a fire, Kai Hele Ku and the highway.”
3:30.44: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD event chronology) “>>vehicle on fire at Bypass<<“
3:30.51: (Dispatch audio FD1) “BC3: Dispatch, send E6 to Lahaina to assist. E6: E6 copies.”
3:30.52: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD chronology) “>>>5XX Luna road, someone handicapped inside<<<“
3:30.55: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD chronology) “door unlocked”
3:31.11: (Highway/Lahainaluna) (Police Dispatch audio) “Guys at Lahainaluna and highway, flush ’em out. It doesn’t matter which direction you push ’em. Flush them out.”
3:31.15: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Air2 to Command: What are the conditions over there? Is it more mellow than it was earlier? Command: Same winds, if not worse.”
3:31.19: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD event chronology) “***5XX Lahainaluna needs extraction*** Handicapped party!!!”
3:31.46: (MFD dispatch unredacted) “Fire ball behind house, got out of area.”
3:31.53: (Punakea Loop and Haniu Street) (MPD event chronology) “Another caller reporting the same.”
3:32.00: (Bissen text message to Andaya) “Let’s stay on top of this. I’m coming back after my Dr. appt.” (According to a clarification from the Office of the Mayor, Mayor Bissen did have a doctor’s appointment, but his secretary canceled it and was in the County Building the rest of the day.)
3:32.06: (Maui Fire Dispatch unredacted) “Reporting fire north of Launiupoko.”
3:32.06: (Dispatch unredacted) “Lives at this address. Looking north they see fire on the north side of Punakea Loop.”
3:32.06: (Dispatch audio FD1) “E6, Wildland 6 responding to Lahaina.”
3:32.21: (Dispatch audio FD1) “Dispatch: E6, E6, sorry, we are getting another call for a fire, Kai Hele Ku and the highway, multiple callers.”
3:32.33: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Command to Dispatch: I copy that. I have no resources to spare.”
3:32.46: (Dispatch audio FD1) “E6, E6 copies and responding.”
3:32.51: (Dispatch audio FD2) “T3 to Command: I am back up and running. Where do you need me?”
3:33.10: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD event chronology) “>>>>XXXX // 88 Y/M unable to get out of the house @ 5XX L’luna.”
3:34.00: (Gabuat text to Andaya) “Kulalani subdivision is being evacuated.”
3:34.10: (Dispatch audio FD1) “BC3 to Dispatch: Send E1 to the Lahaina fire.”
3:34.28: (MPD Body Cam) “They drive back down toward intersection of Lui and Aki, which seems to be the boundary of the smoke plume.”
3:34.35: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Dispatch to Command: We’ve got someone trapped at 5XX Lahainaluna Road, an 88-year-old male that is handicapped. Command to E11: Can you address that?”
3:34.40: (Police dispatch audio) “Central 6Z41, and I’m just advising the flames is on both sides of the Bypass right at the, um, underpass of Lahainaluna.”
3:35.03: (Police dispatch audio)(Officer 499) “Hey guys on Keawe Street. Is it still possible for them to evacuate to go down Keawe Street towards the (Lahaina) Civic Center? (Officer 4A30) I’m not sure if more utility poles will fall down right at the intersection, so, um, I’m – if anything, maybe Hinau, they can turn down, uh, if earlier if possible, maybe Papalaua. (Officer 499) So okay, Keawe is closed for evacuation. (Officer 4A30) I’ll try to get a better look. (Officer 418) Evacuate ’em running through Cannery, directly onto Front Street. They have all Front Street traffic only allowing the vehicles to go directly north back onto the highway. See if we can do it that way and route ’em that way, and so we can just keep ’em flowing. (Officer 499) Kay, 10-4, but they can go on Keawe, right? (Officer 6Z40) “Uh, 6Z40, I’m blocking, uh, Keawe right by Kahoma Stream. (Officer 418) But poles never go down on Keawe though; it’s just north of Keawe. Correct? (Officer 4A30) Uh, two of ’em look like they’re gonna come down on Keawe.”
3:35.20: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Command to L3: You ok? L3: We can use another unit here. We have E11 behind us. We are trying to secure a water supply. We have one structure to the left of us that’s gone, and we have another one to the right with suspected two people inside.”
3:35.51: (Dispatch audio FD2) “(inaudible) unit out of water. L3 to Command: 531 Lahainaluna Road, the two-story house in front of E3, E3 will be alpha side accountability.”
3:36.14: (MPD Body Cam) “Officers drive around supporting evacuation and wind up at the intersection of Keawe Street and Foodland Farms.”
3:36.29: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Command to L3: OK, grab the exposures before they are impacted. You are going to have to write some off, and try to get the parties out. What is the address where the parties are inside?”
3:36.56: (Police Dispatch) (Officer 418) “Try direct ’em if we can. The poles, though, they might fall down in that area, though. If we can, best case scenario, get ’em back on the – headed, uh, southbound onto the Bypass Launiupoko direction.” (Hwy/ Keawe) (Officer 4B31) “I’ve been turning everybody around back up south, but I can open it for now and head ’em to Front.”
3:37.00: (From Alert to Andaya via text) “ROAD CLOSURE: Lahainaluna Road is closed between Honoapiʻilani Highway and Lahaina Bypass due to Fire.”
3:37.43: (Hwy/ Keawe) (Officer 418) (Police Dispatch audio) “Yeah, we need to get ’em going somewhere. And if the best route is under those poles, let’s get ’em out – going out of those poles. Right now the fire’s kind of on all sides of Lahainaluna.” (Officer 4B31) “Yeah, Sarge, just send ’em down. Uh, Sarge, just advising two of the poles are about 45 degrees, but they’re not on the ground yet.”
3:38.03: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “E11: On Kaʻakolu, there are houses over here.”
3:38.12: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “COMM: We need to try stop the fire where you are at.”
3:38.20: (Bypass) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 418) “I need to get a unit that’s available onto the Bypass to start evacuating all those cars. They’re just standing by watching all the fires that are creeping’ up on both sides of ’em.”
3:38.55: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “Fire right by their house 4XX Pauu Place.”
3:39.00: (4XX Pauu Pl) (Event Chronology report) “Shed on fire. Twenty feet from house. Several seniors still in their units. Afraid. Alarm is going off. Air is hot and visibility is very poor. Multiple fire alarm going off. Afraid, wants to be evacuated. Needs help, does not have a car. Said three others, one 98-year-old female is stuck at home. COMM: We have multiple structure fires. Smoldering, keep catching fire. COMM: We don’t have enough resources. 7XX Paunau, mother stuck inside the house. Garage is stuck. XXXXX trying to walk to senior center on Pauoa, left 7XX Paunau.”
3:39.08: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “E3: Just behind the park. There’s multiple structures fire hydrant near there.”
3:39.14: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “COMM: Copied multiple structures burning.”
3:39.20: (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 401) “See if Hokiokio is open yet, uh, H-Piilani / Hokiokio.” (Officer 401) “(Unintelligible/talking over each other) no as soon as it’s open. They can get out. Right now, we’re directing everybody to Front Street and trying to push ’em out of there. ‘Cause the fire’s coming down (unintelligible, talking over each other) They can get out of Lahaina. They can get out of Lahaina, yeah.” (Unknown police) “Wh-which way they gonna go then?” (Officer 401) “Well, they’re taking Front Street and go – then they was going up Keawe, but we shut that down. But, as soon as I can, I’m gonna have somebody check Ho-Hokiokio if they’re done.”
3:39.23: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “COMM: I need medics / civilians that are being assisted.”
3:39.38: (Dispatch audio FD2) “WL3 bump up to me at Kaʻakolu. We have a structure fire up there. E3 from E11: Does this road loop around? I’ll send E11 around. Depends where you are. We are at 5XX Kaʻakolu. We have at least one structure involved, possibly two. E11: I am right by your wildland, right by you wildland. E3: Come straight up. It’s up in the roof. We gotta start hitting it.”
3:40.38: (9XX Kanakea Loop) (Police Dispatch audio)(T22) “Uh, guys that are, clearing the houses. I have a couple here. Their kids are at their house. Their address is 9XX Kanakea Loop. Uh, they’re having hope somebody can check up there. (Officer 418) Try send them if they gotta go, but I don’t know if we got extra units because we need somebody to start headin’ down to probably advise a shelter based on where the fire’s headed. (T22) I send ’em up?”
3:40.55: (Unknown location or units/people involved) (Police dispatch audio) “They’re stuck in there.”
3:41.11: (Police Dispatch audio) “L3 to Command: We removed the two parties from the structure. Primary search is complete.”
3:42.10: (Bypass/Hokiokio) (Police Dispatch audio) “Eh, Capt., I going close down Hokiokio and the Highway – uh, Bypass. I going have all cars go down, uh, the Highway, and they gonna have to go southbound ’cause, uh, Honoapiʻilani is still closed.”
3:42.30: (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 401) “Okay, somebody check Hokiokio and, um, Honoapiʻilani, if they’re done with the work. (T22) Uh, I can do that, Cap. (Officer 401) And let me know right away.”
3:42.51: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Command to L3: All the way down to Kelawea, there’s fire down there. L3: Are there any other engines that aren’t connected to a hydrant right now? Command to E11: What is your location? “WL3: (inaudible)
3:43.16: (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 499) “I got elderly female over here. Can I – can I transport her? (Officer 401) Yeah, go ahead. (Officer 499) 10-4.”
3:43.24: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Command: Say again. E11: We are located behind L3 and below WL3. We got a water supply, and we are trying to get water on these fires. We gotta have it. Command: You got fire ahead and down road already. Command to Dispatch: Where are the medics? I have two civilians in my vehicle that need medical care. Dispatch: Medics are on the Pali coming into Lahaina.”
3:43.52: (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 418) “Who’s the unit headed to Hokiokio and Bypass? Sound off. (Officer X2) X2, I’m at Hokiokio and the Bypass. Uh, Honoapiʻilani northbound is closed. They still got the poles down. (Officer 418) We can send them southbound though out of Lahaina? (Officer 4SA2) Yeah, the smoke on Lahainaluna and By – uh, Highway is getting pretty bad.”
3:44.10: (Dispatch audio FD2) “E11 from E3: Were you able to come to our location? We have this structure fire that is going to impact other structures.”
3:44.41: (Hwy/Hokiokio) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 401) “You know what? Advise them if they can move the poles at least to one side of the road for now, ’cause the fire is coming down.”
3:44.48: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Central to Command: I have a Fire 1 portable 1 10-15 button going off, not answering. I need units to confirm it’s not their radio. He is not answering on the emergency channel.”
3:44.50: (4XX Pauu Pl.) (MPD Event Chronology) “C1: Still her residence. Said several seniors . . . still in their units. C1: Afraid, said alarm is going off. Air is hot and visibility very poor. Multiple fire alarm going off. C1: Afraid // wants to be evacuated ** needs help//does not have car//said 3 others…one 98 y/o F. is also stuck at home. C1: Male stopped by. C1…she’s going to get a ride with him >>correction … she stopped a female in a car//leaving area now.”
3:46.23: (Lahainaluna Road) (Police Dispatch audio) “Just advise I get one elderly female in my vehicle right now. I’m transporting to the Civic Center. Central: 10-4. Central: Sorry, SA2, stand by. 499, we had another handicapped party stuck in their residence. Um, do you think you can stop by there, too? (Officer 499) Um, I’m on Lahainaluna Road. Where you – where you talking about? Central: 10-4. 5XX Lahainaluna – 5XX. (Officer 499) Lahainaluna? Central: 10-4. 5XX Lahainaluna, handicap. (Officer 499) Okay, sorry. Uh, can you give me that number one more time?Central: 5XX Lahainaluna.”
3:46.29: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event chronology) “COMM: Where are the medics?”
3:46.31: (Dispatch audio FD2) “E3 from Command: We need to get further down. All these up here are written off. We can’t do anything about them. It’s Kelawea. E3: Copy, there are a lot of unburned houses up here also. I am concerned that this is going to impact other houses in the area.”
3:46.57: (Dispatch audio FD2) “E3 Operator to E3: I am working on this shed so it doesn’t keep igniting. Do you want me to bring the engine down there?”
3:47.12: (Dispatch audio FD2) “E3: What are you trying to do? I couldn’t hear that. E3 Operator: I was working on this shed that is catching fire. It’s smoldering and keeps catching fire. I am moving stuff so it doesn’t catch fire. Do you want me to bring the engine down there? E3: Yes, affirmative. We are on Kaʻakolu Street. There is houses and multiple houses that are going to be on fire in a minute. We need second water on this. E3 Operator: Alright, if there are available smaller units to come to this shed, in the cul de sac on _____. I think it will be OK for a second. E3: I don’t think we have anybody available.”
3:48.02: (Dispatch unredacted) “14XX Komohana structure fire next block up Ainakea.”
3:49.08: (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 418) “Central, 418, are medics staging anywhere? Central: Uh, 418, I think we have medics coming up – up Lahainaluna.”
3:49.16: (4XX Pauu Place) (MPD Event Chronology) “Comm: We have multiple structure fires.”
3:49:20: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “>>Another caller.. saying garage fell down on Paunau. Advised no units avail. Evacuate if you must.”
3:49.28: (Maui Fire Dispatch unredacted) “4XX Pauu Place, fire was in their house. They evacuated. Asking for help because the fire is covering them. Call dropped off.”
3:49.47: (Dispatch unredacted) “Kelawe has multiple structures on fire.”
3:49.58: (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 418) “10-4. Uh, are they staging anywhere for triage? I got, uh, two, uh, civilians dropped off with me f- by Fire. Central: Let me find out where they’re gonna, uh, stage at.”
3:50.00: (Facebook social media post) “Update #4 at 3:50 p.m. Calling for immediate evacuation of residents of the subdivision including Kulalani and Kulalani Cir due to an Upcountry brush fire. Kaonoulu Ranch opened Oskie Rice Arena in Makawao for residents needing to evacuate farm and ranch animals.”
3:50.00: (MEMA) “asked by Logistics Section Chief for assistance with sending Emergency Alert System and Wireless Emergency Alert Evacuation order for Kulalani Subdivision in Lahaina.”
3:50.00: (Text from Mahina Martin to Andaya) “Fire miscommunication. Maybe Kulamalu. Pretty chaotic right now for mfd and mpd.”
3:50.17: (Dispatch unredacted) “Fire behind homeless shelter.”
3:50.38: (5XX Lahainaluna Road) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 4B10) “There’s a lot of smoke. Yeah, that address at 5XX, the visibility is zero and fire is blocking – is blocking the way there. Um, if you let the fire know if they can get to 5XX were- we’ll try to find out way there, but – ’cause we can’t see nothing.”
3:50.52: (Dispatch audio FD1) “BC3: Chief, can you spare me a few more units? Chief, I am sorry I have to dump all my resources to Lahaina fire. They are losing structures out there.”
3:51.29: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “4B30: Fire too smokey. Can’t get to 5XX Luna … Fire trucks blocking.”
3:51.38: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “**Unit G1** stuck in house.”
3:51.39: (Maui Fire Dispatch unredacted) “Grandparents trapped in the house at Lahala Makua. 911: Working on it, trying to get everyone out from there.”
3:52.29: (Front Street) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 499) “Uh, everything is at a standstill. Front Street at a standstill.”
3:52.37: (4XX Pauu Place) (MPD Event Chronology) “>>7XX Panau–mother stuck inside the house–garage is stuck.”
3:52.54: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “Air1 can’t fly.”
3:53.00: (Text from Gabuat to Andaya) “Lol. Poor chief looks so overwhelm. Chief is wanting help from the military. Not sure of what.”
3:54.00: (Text from Martin to Andaya) “2 priorities now: Evacuate Kulalani and figuring out Westside traffic access/exit status.”
3:54.00: (Text from Andaya to Gabuat) “Manpower?”
3:54.00: (Text from Gabuat to Andaya) “Not sure.”
3:54.13: (Lahaina town) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 401) “Right now . . . everything shut down for now, until we clear up in town . . . Let em know. Everything is shut down coming out. Right now we trying to de- clear up Lahaina town so I wa- I having ’em stop the rest of the traffic, and if they go to the kind Civic Center for relax they gotta go ’cause the smoke is coming right into town, with the fire behind it. (Officer 499) Yeah, 401 from 499, I copy that, as soon as I drop off this female, I’ll stop all traffic coming into Lahaina. (Officer 401) Yeah, stop all traffic until we can bleed this traffic out from the town area.”
3:55.10: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “>another caller, calling from Kelawea, said fire behind her unit.”
3:55.46: (Komo Mai Street) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 4B30) “Central 30, we’re pushing some of the Komo Mai traffic into Lahaina Gateway parking lot. Central: 10-4.”

3:56.00: (Police Dispatch audio) “At approximately 15:56 hours, due to increased hazardous conditions caused by fire, heavy smoke, high winds and traffic conditions, officers began emergency transports of incapacitated residents. Officers transported residents to the Lahaina Civic Center for emergency medical treatment.”
3:56.30: (Maui Fire Dispatch unredacted) “I’m in Kahoma Village. Do I need to evacuate? 911: No ma’am, not right now. You are fine.”
3:56.48: (Lahainaluna Road) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer S40) “Yeah, Lahainaluna Road, right by the, electric transformer place. Stay on fire starting.”
3:56.51: (Maui Fire Dispatch unredacted) “Fire approaching Maui Electric substation. On the corner by the senior center, brush and tree on fire. 911: Will update them.”
3:57.22: (Lahainaluna/Bypass) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 4SA4) “Taking some civilians with a baby to the medics. Uh, I’m leaving the – the post from Lahainaluna, where the bridge and the Bypass. I’m just going to the medics.”
3:57.53: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “M4: Two parties with us and likely transport.”
3:57.54: (Dispatch unredacted) “House on fire next door at Kalena. 8XX Lui Street, house on fire next door at Kalena. 911: I’ll let them know.”
3:57.58: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “>>Another caller saying fire is starting up on Lahainaluna near Kuhua.”
3:58.00: (Gabuat text to Andaya): “Omg, trying to keep up but too many places are happening.”
3:58.21: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “>>8XX Lui Street fully engulfed — doesn’t believe anyone is there.”
3:58.57: (4XX Pauu Place) (MPD Event Chronology) “Comm: We don’t have enough resources.”
3:59.00: (Andaya text to Gabuat) “Is Hale Mahaolu being evacuated in Lahaina? Are EAs (executive assistants) in the call center?”
3:59.38: (Maui Fire Dispatch unredacted) “There is a fire on the road by South Pakoa Way, and now we don’t know what to do or where to go. 911: Call the non-emergency number, not 911.”
4:00.00: (MEMA) “Sent EAS and WEA Evacuation order for Kulalani Subdivision due to a brushfire.”

4:00.00: (Mayor Bissen timeline_Tech Discussion) Around 4 p.m. Hawaiʻi time, “Governor (Josh) Green was notified about the Maui fires by his chief of staff. At that time, very little information was available about the extent of the fires on Maui, and he became increasingly concerned about the situation.”
4:00.00: (Hawaiʻi Emergency Management Agency) “Maj. Gen. (Kenneth) Hara convened a meeting with senior Hawaiʻi National Guard leadership to provide an update that the “situation (was) dynamic” and to reorient Hawaiʻi Army National Guard aviation support toward Maui County.”
4:00.46: (3XX Pauwala Place) (MPD Event Chronology) “Mother called. She is stuck. Trapped with 62 y/o F.”
4:01.00: (Andaya text to Gabuat) “This is crazy. How is everyone holding up?”
4:01.18: (MPD Body Cam) “Cars are backed up on the highway on Keawe to the Foodland Farms entrance without much movement.” (Officers direct and cope with backed up traffic.)
4:01:37: (Bypass) (Police Dispatch audio) “Uh, Central, 418, uh two civilians uh dropped off with medics. Central: 10-4. Thank you.”
4:02.00: (Gabuat text to Andaya) “I know. I am not sure who is letting the Mayor know but holy moly, chief says this is like Hurricane Lane. There are some that are overwhelmed.”
4:02.00: (Andaya text to Gabuat) “I’m texting Mayor and his gang whenever I get info from you or (Assistant Fire Chief Jeff) Giesea.”
4:03.00: (Andaya text to Gabuat) “Should I come home?”
4:03.00: (Gabuat text to Andaya) “PIOs are funny. There are 3 of them, and they look scared and overwhelmed. I think they need a hug lol to calm down.”
4:03.01: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “Kanakea Loop structure fire . . . black smoke.”
4:03.32: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “Fire jumped. Bypass side of mill.”
4:03.41: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “COMM: Was Hale Mahaolu evacuated?”
4:03.45: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “Fire jumped to Hakau Place.”
4:03.54: (8XX Kelawea) (Police Dispatch audio) (Central) “10-4. Uh, loose call units. See if you can copy. Uh, they’re asking that Hale Mahaolu be evacuated. Not sure if it was or wasn’t yet.”
4:04.00: (Gabuat text to Andaya) “Right now, it may look okay but not sure when Paul comes bwahahaha.”
4:04.00: (Police Dispatch audio) “At approximately 16:04 hours, officers responded and evacuated the senior citizens retirement home at 8XX Kelawea Street. Officers faced difficult challenges to evacuate the retirement home due to some residents’ inability to move quickly.”
4:04.43: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Central to Command: They are evacuating Hale Mahaolu now. We have a vehicle fire, one of the county water trucks by Kelawea and an elderly female trapped at 3XX Pauwela Place.”
4:07.04: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “4B40: 8XX Hopoe — 6 kids home alone! 4A30 headed over.”
4:07.10: (Komo Mai Street) (Police Dispatch audio) “Hey you guys gotta push this, ah Komo Mai coming out. The flames are coming out, and they tr… the cars are trapped. You guys gotta push ’em somewhere.”
4:08.00: (Police Dispatch audio) “At approximately 16:08 hours, officers advised that traffic at Highway 30, Front Street and Fleming Street was so impacted it caused major delays due to the evacuation of residents from Front Street. Also, incoming southbound traffic from Kaʻanapali area was delaying evacuation efforts.”
4:08.17: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “M4: We have 9 parties–one has burns to his bodies.”
4:03.54: (8XX Kelawea) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 418) “Uh Central, 418, most of the Hale Mahaolu, the elderly center they’ve been uh, looks like they’ve been evacuated already. Uh, fire’s right there. I had to vacate the area. It’s too close (fire).”
4:09.06: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “401: Fire is reaching Mill Street.”
4:09.10: (Lahainaluna Road) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 418) “Do whatever you guys can to get ’em out from there. That fire has just jumped over; multiple structures on both sides of the, Lahainaluna now.”
4:09.33: (Police Dispatch audio) (MPD Event Chronology) “418: Fire has jumped.”
4:10:00: (MEMA) “Sent EAS and WEA Evacuation order for Kelawea Mauka Subdivision in Lahaina due to a brushfire.”
4:10.07: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “..getting a call from life station — Hale Mahaolu– Unit XX — XXXXXX — trapped in her unit, unable to get out — said the unit next to her is on fire.”
4:10.10: (MPD Body Cam) “Officer is on the Highway north of Front Street. You can see huge column of black smoke crossing to the ocean south of Front Street.”

4:10.22: (8XX Kelawea) (Police Dispatch audio) “Central: Sorry, were you, um, you had to evacuate, or you had too leave Hale Mahaolu? 418: Yeah, 10-4. Uh, fire’s right outside of it. Um, MFD is also in that area.”
4:10.49: (Hwy/ LEIAW) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 4850) “I’ve been advised by multiple drivers that multiple power lines are down s- north of the station on highway. Central: Yeah, 10-4, we have uh, all those cases holding. We’re aware. Nothing we can do. (Officer 4850) I was told they’re blocking. Central: Yeah, we’ve contacted MECO. They’re doing the best they can.”
4:11.28: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “COMM: We need to shut power down.”
4:11.54: (Dispatch audio FD2) “Command from Central: MECO is saying it is shut off. Command: Thank you.”
4:12.45: (MPD Body Cam) “Cars are being stopped from heading south and being redirected to go north. Officer talks to person trying to get her daughter at 1XX Kenui Street. Officer tells her she cannot make it that far.”
4:13.09: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “4830: Unable to get any more VEHS out of Komo Mai.”

4:13.22: (Lahainaluna/ MILL) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer T22) “Yeah, fire is into this uh, food truck area, the Real Mexican Grindz.”
4:14.53: (Lahainaluna/ MILL) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 415) “We’re trying to get everybody out of here by that food truck; multiple explosions. Central: 10-4. (Officer 401) Fire in the median. Trying to evacuate Mill Street.”

4:14.53: (HWY/ Lahainaluna) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 4SA2) “Uh Central SA2. I’m about to leave, uh, Lahaina and uh, Lahainaluna and Highway. I can’t do it anymore.”
4:16.00: (Police Dispatch audio) “Traffic on Lahainaluna Road and Komo Mai Street was at a standstill. Officers were approached by a motorist who had keys to a gate for a dirt access road northbound off the Keawe Street (Bypass) at Old Oil Road. An officer opened the gate and escorted the heavy traffic off Komo Mai Street north out of the area.”
4:16.00: (MEMA EAS-WEA) “WEA message: Evacuation for Kelawea Mauka.”
4:16.01: (KEAWE/ KUHUA) (Police Dispatch audio) “Yeah, 10-4. ’cause the fire is pretty bad up there already. Try get everybody out. (Officer 4B10) Follow that white truck that just went down. He – he going open the gate.”
4:16.34: (7XX Kuʻialua Street) (MPD Event Chronology) “415: Fire jumped Honoapiʻilani.”
4:17.26: (Lahainaluna/ Mill) (Police Dispatch audio) “I think Lahainaluna is – it’s uh multiple explosions. So just get everybody out of there.”
4:17.55: (8XX Kanakea) (Police Dispatch audio) “I’m on the corner of Kanakea Loop. They’re saying there’s a dirt road if we bust down the gate. Um, 401, I think I’m gonna do it. 401: Go ahead. Central: 10-4. Uh, where is this gate that you’re gonna bust open? . . . (Officer) By former A-2’s house um, and I’ll give you the exact coordinates. 8XX I’m at right now, Kanakea – Kanakea Drive. Central: 10-4.”
4:23.49: (MPD Event Chronology) “Another caller – train station on fire.”
4:24.21: (MPD Event Chronology) “COMM: We all got to get out of this fire. We need to put out to the perimeter.”
4:24.25: (MPD Event Chronology) “But the big banyan tree is on fire.”
4:24.53: (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 401) “And the fire jumped the road. Headed to Front Street. Central: 10-4. (Officer 4SA2) Central, SA2, I’ll be evacuating Aina Nalu. (Officer 418) We’re evacuating all of Waineʻe.”
4:24.53: (Mill Street) (Police Dispatch audio) (Officer 401) “Central, be advised, we might have one fatality. Homes rear of Mill Street. I have a retired firefighter with me.”
4:25.25: (MPD Body Cam) “Officer drives down along the Kahoma Stream, toward the fire and comes to a locked gate.”
4:26.00 (Police) (Unknown location) “Hey, r-right now, you guys cannot really do anything. Try and find a safe place.”

4:28.30: (MPD Body Cam) “Looking down toward the neighborhood, you can see houses on fire.”
4:28.54: (MPD Body Cam) “Officer runs down hill, past gate to check conditions and then runs back to his vehicle.”
4:30.30: (MPD Body Cam) “Officer grabs tow strap from his SUV and hooks it to the gate and his tow hook.”
4:32.00: (MPD Body Cam) “Resident brings sawmill to cut the lock and he removes the tow strap.”
4:32.30: (MPD Body Cam) “Gate is open at 16:33.04.”

The Phase 1 Lahaina Fire Comprehensive Timeline Report and a Timeline is available online at: