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Maui students March for climate action and policy participation, aligned with International Biodiversity Day

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  • Over 150 students from ʻĪao Intermediate School marched from ʻĪao School to the Kalana O Maui Building as part of the “Wednesday For Our World Walk,” symbolizing the students’ commitment to global leadership and advocacy. PC: County of Maui
  • Over 150 students from ʻĪao Intermediate School marched from ʻĪao School to the Kalana O Maui Building as part of the “Wednesday For Our World Walk,” symbolizing the students’ commitment to global leadership and advocacy. PC: County of Maui
  • Over 150 students from ʻĪao Intermediate School marched from ʻĪao School to the Kalana O Maui Building as part of the “Wednesday For Our World Walk,” symbolizing the students’ commitment to global leadership and advocacy. PC: County of Maui
  • As part of the Youth Summit, presentations were made by groups of students in the County Council Chambers covering various issues related to climate resiliency and sustainability. PC: County of Maui
  • As part of the Youth Summit, presentations were made by groups of students in the County Council Chambers covering various issues related to climate resiliency and sustainability. PC: County of Maui

Today, as the world commemorates International Biodiversity Day, the Maui Mayor’s Office of Innovation & Sustainability (OIS), in partnership with ʻĪao Intermediate School, successfully concluded an event aimed at fostering climate justice education and youth engagement in public policy.

More than 150 students from ʻĪao Intermediate School marched to the Kalana O Maui Building as part of the “Wednesday for Our World Walk,” demonstrating their commitment to global leadership and advocacy in preserving biodiversity. Upon reaching Kalana O Maui, the students actively participated in the Youth Summit, where they discussed the intersection of climate action and biodiversity conservation, marking a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to promote sustainability, resilience, and human rights among Maui’s youth.

As part of the Youth Summit, presentations were made by groups of students in the County Council Chambers covering various issues related to climate resiliency and sustainability. PC: County of Maui

During the Youth Summit, 18 presentations were delivered by various student groups in the County Council Chambers, addressing crucial topics such as poverty eradication, food security, health, education, gender equality, clean water, renewable energy, economic growth, infrastructure, innovation, sustainable communities, climate action, biodiversity conservation, peace, justice, and partnership.


These presentations, known as “Student Voices for Sustainable Development,” underscored the dedication of Maui’s youth to safeguarding biodiversity and fostering a more resilient future. In the words of Joshua Cooper, Chief Sustainability Officer for the OIS, “The passion and determination of our youth in addressing climate action and biodiversity conservation highlight their role as stewards of our planet’s future. Let us stand together with these inspiring young leaders as they drive meaningful change for a more biodiverse and sustainable world.”

Looking ahead, a follow-up climate action event is planned, involving the planting of native plants at Kalana O Maui next month. This initiative will further contribute to biodiversity conservation efforts on the island.

The insights gathered from the event will be shared prior to the UN Summit of the Future in September at the UN General Assembly, ensuring that Maui’s youth perspectives continue to inform global discussions on sustainable development.


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