OHA files petition on ceded land revenues with the Hawai‘i Supreme Court
The Office of Hawaiian Affairs (OHA) filed a petition today urging the Hawaii State Supreme Court to require legislation on past due public land trust revenue claims for ceded lands. OHA is requesting that the court require the state to enact legislation on past due public land trust revenue claims during the 2011 session.
“As a means of last resort, OHA reluctantly files this petition,” said Clyde Nāmu‘o, OHA chief executive officer. “OHA has a fiduciary duty to its beneficiaries and must move forward to resolve these past due claims that are necessary to serving the best interests of Native Hawaiians.”
“The stalling of this legislation ultimately hurts the beneficiaries that OHA exists to serve,” said Nāmu‘o.
Revenues owed to OHA are for the State’s use of ceded lands such as the State airports, State hospitals, and Hawai‘i Housing Authority and Hawai‘i Housing Finance and Development Corporation projects.
The Hawai‘i Supreme Court’s ruling in previous cases has held that “it is incumbent upon the legislature to enact legislation that gives effect to the right of Native Hawaiians to benefit from the ceded lands trust.”