Kepaniwai Revitalization, June 26, 2010
Rotary Clubs of Maui join the Community Work Day Program this Saturday, June 26, 2010 for a revitalization cleanup effort at ‘Iao Valley’s Kepaniwai Heritage Gardens. Volunteers will gather from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. to restore and refurbish buildings and gardens.
Work will include trash pickup and power washing and painting of stone walls, picnic tables, and restrooms. Volunteers should bring gloves, suntan lotion, and energy to work. Also, there will be a brief potluck picnic at noon. Community Work Day will provide supplies and bottled water.
To volunteer, call 264-0491 or 877-2524.
The Kepaniwai Park’s Heritage Gardens was established in 1952 as a showcase for Maui’s diverse heritage, with ethnic homes and gardens representing the Hawaiian, Portuguese, Japanese, Caucasian and Filipino cultures.
In 1995, the Rotary Club of Kahului planted a Peace Pole in the park in observance of Rotary International’s 90th Anniversary and World Day of Peace (February 23, 1995). Club members are volunteers who work locally, regionally, and internationally to combat hunger, improve health and sanitation, provide education and job training, promote peace, and eradicate polio under the motto: Service Above Self.
The Community Work Day Program facilitates programs that educate, inspire, and empower individuals and communities to beautify and maintain Maui Nui’s environment which supports the economy, quality of life, and unique Hawaiian culture.