Hoapili Hale Closed Due to Wailuku Water Main Break

Hoapili Hale. Photo by Wendy Osher.
The Second Circuit Court, Hoapili Hale, is closed (as of 11:19 a.m. today, Tuesday, Nov. 13, 2018) due to a water main break. County of Maui maintenance crews have shut off water to selected buildings in the area while repair work is being done.
Hawaiʻi Supreme Court Chief Justice Mark E. Recktenwald issued an order extending deadlines on the court matters that are affected. All documents affected by the court closure will be considered timely if filed by the close of business on Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018. Hearings or trials cancelled due to the closure of the courts shall be rescheduled to the next available date with due regard for any statutory mandates.
The closure affects Hoapili Hale, Maui Drug Court, and the Driver Education Office. All other court offices and buildings including the Lahaina, Hāna, and Molokaʻi District Courts, the Children’s Justice Center, and Adult Client Services (probation) will remain open.
Hoapili Hale is expected to reopen for business as usual tomorrow, Wednesday, Nov. 14, 2018.