10 Tips for a Frugal New Year’s Eve

Fireworks. Lahaina, Maui (7.4.18) PC: Rachael Johnson
The end of the year is almost upon us which means it’s time to welcome 2019. If saving money is one of your resolutions for 2019, you can start now by planning a fun-filled night without breaking the bank.
1. Stay In
A New Year’s celebration doesn’t need to include a large party. Having a quiet night in binging movies and shows with your family and friends is a great alternative. If you subscribe to services such as Netflix, Hulu or Amazon Prime, feel free to invite your favorite people over and make some popcorn to munch on while you watch. Fix some drinks and celebrate with family or friends in a low-key fashion.
2. Throw a Home Potluck-Party
If you want to have a larger celebration, throwing a home potluck party is a great way to have many people over without breaking the bank. Consider asking guests to bring side dishes such as appetizers and desserts as well.
3. Clothes Swap
Finding a fun outfit for New Year’s Eve can be easily achieved by clothes swapping with a friend or group of friends. Shop a friend’s closet, or even repurpose your old clothes for a new look this New Year’s.
4. Make Your Own Drinks
Buying wholesale spirits or drinks and then playing mixologist can be a fun and cheap way to make drinks for you, your friends, and family this New Year’s. Remember to drink responsibly, find a designated driver, or plan to stay overnight at a friend or family member’s house if you decide to drink.
5. Skip the Paper Plates
Skipping paper plates and disposable cutlery is a cheaper and more environmentally friendly alternative. If you don’t have enough dishes, a quick and inexpensive trip to the thrift store can save you some money.
6. Play Family-Fun Games
The wait up until midnight can be spent playing board games, video games or trivia. You can even unearth those classic board games such as Monopoly or Clue to preoccupy your guests.
7. Reuse Decorations
Decorations are a wonderful way to set the mood for a party, but you don’t need to go overboard with intricate centerpieces and festive place cards. Pay homage to past events by reusing decorations for parties you or your friends have hosted.
A great way to tie in the festivities is to put together a video or photo montage of memories to play throughout the party. The events can include milestones such as getting engaged/married, having a baby, adopting a pet or a funny moment you captured and experienced together.
8. Create a Photo Wall
An inexpensive fabric draped along a wall with some cheap props, balloons, and masks can make a great activity for New Year’s Eve.
9. Go to a Friend’s Party
If you’re not into hosting, having to coordinate everything and be in charge of the after-party cleanup, you can always join a friend or family gathering instead. Another great option is to seek out a free community event.
10. Look for Sales
Prepping for New Year’s Eve celebrations in advance is essential to save money and budget accordingly. Whether you celebrate small or host a big party, don’t overspend on essentials simply because you believe they are needs. Shop smart so you don’t overspend.
This list of 10 tips for a fun and frugal New Year’s Eve was compiled by TopCashback.com.