Upcountry, West Maui Customers Reminded to Cut Back Water Use During Stage 1 Water Shortage

Kahoma Stream. PC: file image Maui Now
The County of Maui Department of Water Supply reminds Upcountry and West Maui water customers that cutbacks of non-essential water use will be mandatory beginning Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020.
On Tuesday, the department issued an official notice of Stage 1 water restrictions for the County of Maui’s domestic water systems serving residents of Upcountry and West Maui, beginning Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2020.
Under Stage 1 restrictions, consumers should postpone the washing of vehicles, irrigation of landscape and all unnecessary water use.
“Rainfall during Hurricane Douglas provided some relief for our surface water supplies, but ongoing dry conditions reduce stream flows and put a strain reservoir supplies of water,” said Department of Water Supply Director Jeffrey Pearson. “We ask everyone to conserve water now to help us get through this dry season. Our surface water supplies Upcountry and in West Maui are especially vulnerable to drought conditions. The Department of Water Supply appreciates all of our customers’ cooperation.”
The department’s Upcountry storage is at 45 percent for the two 50-million-gallon Kahakapao reservoirs, and below 70 percent for the Piʻiholo Reservoir, which can hold 50 million gallons. About 70 percent of drinking water supplied to our Upcountry residents comes from three surface water treatment plants.